
shēnɡ jī lùn
  • vital theory;vitalism
  1. 本文对斯多亚学派的宇宙论作了三方面的分析:(1)宇宙扩张论和生机论;

    This paper analyzes its cosmogony from three aspects : ( 1 ) cosmological outspread and vitalism ;

  2. 他赞同一元论的异端观点,一元论也叫做万物有灵论或者生机论,强调肉体和灵魂没有界限。

    He embraces the heterodox idea of monism , sometimes called animist materialism or vitalism , which is essentially a denial of any distinction between the body and the soul .

  3. 该书作者指出,20世纪初,柏格森生命哲学在重新解释传统生机论的基础上骤然崛起并广泛传播。

    The author of the book points out that Bergson 's life philosophy became prominent and was widely spread at the beginning of the 20th century on account of its reinterpretation of the traditional vitalism .

  4. 蔓生的野花:蓬勃与生机&论前期解放区文学(1937-1942)

    Wildly Growing Flowers : Prosperity and Vitality & On the literature of earlier liberated areas ;