
shēng liào
  • raw material
生料 [shēng liào]
  • [raw material] 需进一步加工后才能用来制成产品的原料

生料[shēng liào]
  1. 碱熔EDTA滴定法测定生料中氧化钙

    Determination of calcium oxide in raw material by titration with EDTA after base melting

  2. 文章给出了基于CIMS的水泥企业生料配比系统总体框架,提出了生料配比计算建模及自反馈与调节。

    The paper brings forward the frame work of a cement enterprise raw material proportioning system and modeling the compute of raw material proportioning along with self-feedback and accommodate .

  3. G,H级油井水泥生料配料的计算方法

    Calculations for proportioning raw meal of oil well cements Grades G and H

  4. 工业废渣制备水泥生料易烧性的XRD研究

    Study on Burnability of Cement Raw Mixes with Industrial Refuses by XRD

  5. 外掺氧化物对高C3S水泥生料易烧性的影响

    Effects of Additive Oxide on the Burnability of Cement Raw Mix with High Alite

  6. 然后,用Matlab软件对所设计的生料浆配料专家系统控制效果进行仿真。

    Then the paper simulate the control effect of raw slurry blending expert system by the software MATLAB .

  7. 基于PSO算法的生料浆配料过程的优化控制

    Optimization Control of the Raw Slurry Blending Process Based on the PSO Algorithm

  8. MPS辊式磨在生料制备系统中的应用

    MPS Roller Mill Application in Raw Meal Preparation System

  9. 衡量生料质量的标准是3个率值:石灰饱和系数KH、硅酸率n、铁率p。

    The weight crude material quality standard is 3 rate values : Lime saturation coefficient KH , silicic acid rate n , iron rate p.

  10. 算法已成功应用在水泥窑生料系统,现场运行结果表明该算法简捷实用,控制效果优于传统的PID控制。

    The method has been applied in crude materials system of the cement kiln and the result shows that this method is more superior to traditional PID control .

  11. 研究了采用铅锌尾矿和页岩配制的高C3S硅酸盐水泥生料的易烧性及所得熟料的性能。

    The burnability of the high tricalcium silicate Portland cement raw meal produced by lead-zinc tailing and shale and property of the resulting clinker were studied in this work .

  12. 利用直流D-D中子发生器对水泥生料元素含量进行检测的基础研究

    The Study in Detection of Raw Cement by Direct Current D-D Neutron Induced

  13. 采用ΔT&t(时间)DTA曲线分析生料热,减少了升温速率的微弱变化对测定结果的可能影响;

    Adopt the DTA curve of " AT-t " to analyzing CRM heat , which decreases possible influences from the fluctuation of heating velocity ;

  14. QCS生料质量计算机控制系统应用体会

    The application ami experience on QCS raw meal quality computer controlling system

  15. TRM生料辊磨系统的设计选型和生产调试

    TRM Raw Mill Selection and Production Commissioning

  16. 文章根据水泥生料配料的工艺要求,采用BP算法建立起能够较好地预测水泥生产质量的神经网络模型,以实现生料配料的调优操作。

    According to technical requirements of cement raw materials blending , this paper applied neural network model based on BP algorithm to pre-estimate the quality of cement , to realize the optimization of cement raw materials .

  17. SWP水泥微机生料配料控制系统

    A Microcomputer-based Burden Control System in SWP Cement Plant

  18. 静态还原炉内煅烧磷石膏生料时,煅烧物料中已含有大量熟料矿物的过渡相,XRD图谱也显示有熟料矿物的存在。

    While the raw meal calcined in the the static reduction furnace , the products contains large amounts of clinker minerals in the transition phase , XRD also showed the presence of clinker minerals .

  19. 生料颗粒接触状况对f-CaO吸收的影响

    Impact of contact conditions of raw meal particulate on absorption of f - CaO

  20. 我厂Φ2.4×7m生料磨粉磨第三系列水泥生料的增产措施

    Measures to increase capacity of the Φ 2.4 × 7 m raw mill in our plant in grinding raw meal of third series cement

  21. 本文采用不同烧成方式及不同冷却方式,对不同配料的高C3S水泥生料进行了实验室烧制。

    It is adopted different burning and cooling means for different high-C3S cement raw meal to calcine clinker in the lab.

  22. 结果表明,以CaO标准偏差计算的生料均化库的均化系数只有1左右,远低于6 ̄8的设计值;

    The results showed that if calculated according to the CaO standard deviation , the blending factor of raw meal homogenization silo was 1 only , far blow the design value ( 6 ~ 8 );

  23. 启新水泥有限公司2000t工艺线生料均化系统

    The reverse analysis of optimization of raw meal homogenization systerm with 2000 t processing line in Qixing cement company limited

  24. 我厂Φ2.2×6.5m开流生料磨高产措施

    Measures to enhance the production of open circuit raw mill Φ 2.2 × 6.5m in our plant

  25. CaF2质量分数在163%~218%时,生料煅烧产物中的硅酸盐矿物含量低,CaSO4和fCaO的含量高;

    When the raw mixture containing 1 63 % ~ 2 18 % CaF 2 , the content of the silicate mineral was lower , whereas the content of CaSO 4 and f CaO were higher .

  26. 干法含碳致密水泥生料块(compactcarbon-containedcementrawmealpellets,CCPs)内燃烧成行为的实验表明:CCPs料块的热稳定性良好,在高温下具有一定的机械强度。

    Studies on the internal burning and clinkering behaviors of the compact carbon-contained cement raw meal pellets ( CCPs ) reveal that the CCPs possess an excellent thermal stability with a certain mechanical strength at high temperatures .

  27. 利用灰色理论对机理模型的偏差数据进行信息挖掘,建立了GM(1,1)补偿模型,并与机理模型进行并联集成,获得生料浆质量预测模型。

    Finally , using the gray theory for the information mining from the errors of the mechanism model , a ( GM ( 1,1 )) compensation model was put forward and parallel-connection-integrated with the mechanism model , achieving a raw mix slurry quality prediction model .

  28. 经鉴定和安全试验,上述三株菌混合后的联合培养物,接种生料发酵制成微生态制剂BLS,饲喂泌乳牛。

    Having been identified and safety-tested , the above bacteria were mixed and cultivated to inoculate and ferment raw medium to microbiological culture BLS which was used to feed dairy cow .

  29. 研究结果表明,在熟料率值相同的情况下,合理控制生料细度,使物料的颗粒尺寸较小,溶解和扩散都易于进行,因而降低了C3S形成的表观活化能。

    With a reasonable fineness , the smaller particle size is in favor of solution and diffusion , thus the apparent activation energy of Alite formation can be decreased .

  30. 文章介绍了CBX在线分析仪的技术特点,对比分析了两套生料质量控制生产数据。

    This paper introduces the technical features of CBX online analyzer , makes a comparison between the production records of this two quality control systems .