
shēnɡ yi ànɡ rán
  • 熟语full of life
生意盎然 [shēng yì àng rán]
  • [full of life]形容生命力旺盛的样子

  1. 这里山花古松遮掩着悬崖峭壁,鸟语花香,生意盎然,一派秀丽景色。

    Wild flowers and old pines on the precipice , with birds singing among them , form a beautiful scene full of life nd vitality .

  2. 空气流动,才能生意盎然。

    Air must flow to refresh .

  3. 他们是《国家地理》的记者,拍摄图们江流域生意盎然的野生动物纪录片。

    They were National Geographic reporters doing a documentary on the wildlife the thrives around the Tumen river .

  4. 因为这里没有甚么使人想到遁世,灵性,清规戒律的东西:这里我们只听到精力充沛生意盎然的凯旋,这里存在的一切,不论善恶,都被奉若神明。

    Nothing in these deities reminds us of asceticism , high intellect , or duty : we are confronted by luxuriant , triumphant existence , which deifies the good and the bad indifferently .

  5. 小镇的四周是像棋盘交错的生意盎然的农庄,还有一块块的田地和一座座遍布山坡的果园。春天来了,白色的鲜花云彩般地漂浮在田野上;

    The town lay in the midst of a checkerboard of prosperous farms , with fields of grain and hillsides of orchards where , in spring , white clouds of bloom drifted above the green fields .

  6. 中庭门廊有生意盎然的棕榈树跟喷泉;或者是让人感觉像是贫民窟里的一个公家牙齿门诊部,旁边还散布著枯黄盆栽与过期杂志?

    Is there a nice atrium lobby with live palm trees and a fountain , or does it feel like a government dental clinic in a slum , with dying corn plants and old copies of Newsweek ?