
  • 网络vital registration
  1. 国际生命登记与统计研究所(生命统计所)国际原子能机构会计记录检查

    International Institute for Vital Registration and Statistics iaea examination of accounting records

  2. 生命登记系统必须得到改善,以使死产全部被统计在内。

    Vital registration systems must be improved so that all stillbirths are counted .

  3. 人口变化调查中所有年龄群的死亡档案均与2005-2006年间生命登记档案匹配。

    SPC death entries for people of all ages were matched to2005 – 2006 death records from vital registration .

  4. 生命登记系统存在的薄弱环节,尤其是在死产发生最高的地区,使数据的可用性受到限制,同时也阻碍了对精确估值的计算。

    Weak vital registration systems , especially in the regions where most stillbirths occur , limit the availability of data and hamper the calculation of precise estimates .

  5. 政府部门中,生命登记没有给予优先关注,因为普遍认为受害人应该受到指责并将生命事项登记水平低归结为“文化原因/无知”。

    In the government sector , registration is given low priority and there is an attitude of blaming the victim , ascribing low levels of vital event registration to " cultural reasons / ignorance " .

  6. 志愿部门可以担当政府和社区之间的有效接口从而加强生命事项登记。

    The voluntary sector can interface effectively between the government and the community to strengthen vital registration .

  7. 方法1.从河南省癌症及生命统计登记中心获取各个登记点胃癌、食管癌、肺癌、肝癌和乳腺癌的死亡数据,计算各个登记点三个时期的标准化死亡率。

    The death records of cancer were derived from Henan Cancer and Vital Statistics Registry and the standardized mortality rates of every registry was calculated in three periods . 2 .

  8. 有关生命事项的登记与当地权益阶层因素如性别、社会经济地位和地理位置呈显著相关。

    Vital event registration was significantly associated with local equity stratifiers such as gender , socioeconomic status and geography .

  9. 有了政府的政策支持,宣传工作能够显著提高生命事项的登记率,特别是在弱势群体中。

    With political support from the government , outreach activities can dramatically improve vital event registration rates , especially in disadvantaged populations .

  10. 国际加快改善生命统计和民事登记制度方案;

    International Programme for accelerating the improvement of vital statistics and civil registration systems ;