
shēnɡ mìnɡ zài yú yùn dònɡ
  • 熟语life lies in movement;life depends on movement;rest breeds rust
  1. 生命在于运动,健康是人生第一财富!

    Life is exercise , the first wealth is life !

  2. 生命在于运动的理性思考

    The reasonable consider of life consist in g in sport

  3. 生命在于运动压力和怒火能促使体内肾上腺素含量上升。

    Step 1 : Exercise Pressure and anger releases adrenaline into the body .

  4. 在具体行动上。生命在于运动

    In concrete motion . Life Lies in Motion

  5. 生命在于运动,而健康的心灵寓于健康的身体;

    Life exists in sport , and the healthy mind comes from the healthy body ;

  6. 生命在于运动和锻炼。

    Life means movement and physical exercises .

  7. 运动对我来说非常重要!所以我打算这个学期每天都做运动。(生命在于运动!身体好,才能学习好!)

    Sports mean a lot to me ! So I plan a daily work-out this semester !

  8. 生命在于运动,运动,就像这个健身器材一般,消磨你的手脚关节。

    Living is moving . Movement , like this fitness equipment , consumes your joints and bones .

  9. 生命在于运动

    Life Lies in Motion

  10. 生命在于运动,在于变化、在于更新,不是向著伤害和堕落,而是朝著慈悲与升华、充实与丰富。

    Life is alive when it moves changes and renews itself , not toward hurt and degeneration , but toward mercifulness and richness .

  11. 现代人充分的认识到生命在于运动,把运动视作生命中不可缺少的部分。

    In modern life , people are fully understanding about the sports , and the sport is an indispensable part of their life .

  12. 其价值在于强化生命在于运动的价值取向,增强健身行为的外部诱力,降低全民健身的社会运行成本,是全民健身可持续发展的无形资源。

    It emphasized the value orientation of life in exercise , reduced the social operation cost of national fitness and was the intangible resource of sustainable development of national fitness activity .

  13. 通过竞技论的长期功效与体质论的即时效益,及生命在于运动这一本质功效的阐述,指出了体质论在实际运用中存在的缺陷和弊病。

    Through expounding the long-term effect and immediate effect of the sports theory and the essential effect of the life relies on the motion , this paper points out the defects and disadvantages existing in the actual application of the theory of constitution .

  14. 生命在于运动,健康在于运动,健美更需要运动,体育运动不仅能增强体质,提高心理健康水平,而且能有效地塑造人体,使人体形体接近理想的标准。

    It is well known that life lies in sports , health lies in sports , and bodybuilding lies in sports more . Athletic sports not only can build up health but also improve psychological health level , mold body effectively , and make body in good state .

  15. 生命更在于脑运动,是现代科学技术尤其是脑科学和医学迅猛发展得出的新结论。

    Life even depends on the brain movement is the new condusion which is generated by modern science technology , especially brain science and medicine develop rapidly .