
The Elementary Exploration of the Guideline System of Performance Evaluation of the Safe Production Management in Local Governments
Some domestic research institutions and colleges and professors has provided a number of ways , such as : Lean Accounting ( Lean Accouning ), cost management , value stream .
This article introduces some points which needs to be taken care of while using the middle level production manager performance competence model at the end , and also points out some insufficient areas in this study .
Create and complete the measurement system for keep lean production system running smoothly and make sure the enterprise developing continuously to meet customer demand . The final part is summarizing the success and study result and spread the lean production to the similar EMS enterprises .
Many foreign scholars and research consulting firm from a different perspective have a deep research on lean production management , but has not yet made a complete performance evaluation model of lean production management .
The author diagnosis production management in a SME – Weiming company , which supply parts for auto manufacturers .