
  • 网络technical regulations for production
  1. 无公害番石榴生产技术规程与示范推广

    Demonstration and extension of technical regulation for producing non-polluted guava

  2. 优质高档牛肉规范化生产技术规程

    Technological Procedures of High Quality and High Grade Beef Production

  3. 岳阳茄果类蔬菜无公害生产技术规程

    Production Technical Regulation for Pollution-free Solanaceous Vegetables in Yueyang City

  4. 桃产品质量及生产技术规程标准研究与推广

    Research and Spreading of Quality and Standards for Peach Production-technology

  5. 张家界市无公害蔬菜发展对策及生产技术规程研究

    Studies on Countermeasures of Non-Pollution Vegetable Development and Technical Regulation in Zhangjiajie

  6. 四川省丘陵区生态梨园高效生产技术规程

    The Technique Rule of High Benefit Pear Production in Hilly Land of Sichuan

  7. 江西省多花黑麦草种子生产技术规程

    Establishment of Technical Regulations for Seed Production of Lolium multiflorum Lam in Jiangxi Province

  8. 绿色苹果梨生产技术规程

    Produce technique rules of green apple - pear

  9. 一品红盆花质量行业标准及生产技术规程的研究与制定

    Study and Establishment of Technical Regulations for Cultivation and Quality Ministerial Standards of Potted Poinsettia

  10. 绿色有机电合成与可持续发展有机水稻生产技术规程

    Electro-synthesis of Organic Compounds and Sustainable Development of Chemical Industry Production Technology Regulation of Organic Rice

  11. 乳山市出口花生标准化生产技术规程的建立

    Establishment of Technique Regulations for Standardization Production System for Groundnuts Aiming to Export in Rushan MARKETING

  12. 四川攀西地区无公害肾茶生产技术规程

    Have no the Harmful Effects Clerodendranthus spicatus to Produce the Technique Norm For Panxi of Sichuan Province

  13. 介绍了鲁西南地区甜叶菊标准化生产技术规程。

    The standardized production techniques of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni in southwest shandong was summarized in the paper .

  14. 蔷薇属花卉生产技术规程优良观赏竹苗高效丰产栽培技术规程

    Technical Rule of Rose Flower Production Technical Rule for High Efficient and High-yield Cultivation of Excellent Ornamental Bamboo Seedlings

  15. 以生态梨园建设为基础,提出了以增强树势为中心的高效生产技术规程。

    Based on the construction of ecological pear orchard , the technique rule of high benefit pear production was suggested to strengthen the development of the tree as a center .

  16. 通过对严重影响种子质量的种子采留种技术的研究,结合广州相思子和毛相思子栽培技术,提出其种子生产技术规程。

    Meanwhile , combining the technique of seeds collecting and seeds desiccation which can seriously affect seed quality , the technique rules of seed producing of Abrus cantoniensis Hance and Abrus mollis Hance were made .

  17. 挤压成型预应力混凝土空心板生产技术操作规程

    Operation specification for extrusion technique of prestressed concrete hollow cored slab

  18. 本文从菇房设计、培养料堆制、栽培管理等方面详述姬松茸规范化生产的技术规程。

    Blazei from growing room design , composting , cultivation management etc.

  19. 马铃薯种薯生产技术操作规程

    Operating rules for the production technology of seed potato

  20. 无公害农产品花生生产技术操作规程

    Operation Principles on Uncontaminated Peanut Production

  21. GB/T17314-1998籼型杂交水稻三系原种生产技术操作规程

    Rules of operation for the production technology of basic seed of three lines of indica hybrid rice

  22. 执行某个操作而产生的一种实体。GB/T3242-1982棉花原种生产技术操作规程

    An entity produced by the performance of an operation . Rules of operation for the production technology of cotton stock seed

  23. 首先对无公害农产品生产环境、技术规程等内容进行了论述,并对不同类别农产品的生产标准进行了分析。

    First , the illustrations of pollution-free agricultural products are discussed , and the pollution-free product standards are analyzed as well .

  24. 出口结球生菜安全生产与加工技术操作规程

    Operation rules on safe production and processing technology of export head lettuce

  25. 根据我们自己生产的实践,提出了优质高档牛肉规范化生产的技术规程。

    Based on our practice , we put out a technological procedure of high quality and high grade beef production .

  26. 安庆市食用菌生产发展的现状和对策研究欧美地区有机食用菌生产技术标准规程解析

    Study on The Current Situations and Countermeasures of Edible Mushroom Production Development in Anqing City ; The comparison of organic mushroom standards between European Union and North American area

  27. 国家历来重视安全生产教育,把安全生产教育放在了法律、法规和安全生产技术规程的突出位置。

    State has always paid attention to production safety education , and put the safety education on the prominent position in laws , regulations and safety technical specification .

  28. 无公害蔬菜是指产地环境、生产过程、目标产品质量,符合国家或农业行业无公害农产品标准和生产技术规程,经认证合格获准使用无公害农产品标识销售的蔬菜初级产品或初级加工品。

    Population - free vegetable is the primary products or proceeded products that produced according to the producing and processing standard of pollution-free products , certificated by the special agency and banded with the identification of pollution-free .

  29. 研究巨峰葡萄品种特性和技术应用情况,分析目前巨峰葡萄生产上存在的问题和西安生产巨峰葡萄的优势,是制定西安市巨峰葡萄生产技术规程的前提。

    It is a precondition to formulate the JUFENG grape production technology rules by researching the breed characteristic and the application methods , analyzing the current JUFENG cultivate problems and advantages .