
shēnɡ chǎn dà duì
  • production brigade
  1. 我们生产大队已经留出了充足的储备粮。

    Our production brigade has set aside ample reserve grain .

  2. 现在,他是我们公社一个生产大队的队长。

    Now he leads a production brigade in our commune .

  3. 这里曾经是一家社队企业,属于生产大队所有。

    This is a collective enterprise , belonging to the production team .

  4. 这个水库是由一个不到二百户人家的生产大队建造的。

    The reservoir was built by a productive brigade of not more than 200 households .

  5. 生产大队拨出一大笔款项来重建这座桥。

    The production brigade put up a large sum of money for the rebuilding of the bridge .

  6. 白银市石洞人民公社庄子坪生产大队的地理概况和土地利用规划

    Geographical conditions and land-utilization plan of chuan-tze-ping production brigade , shih-tung people 's commune . the city of pai-yin

  7. 再一个挤农民口粮的是公社以下生产大队、生产队的干部。

    The cadres in production brigades and teams under the communes constitute the other factor squeezing the peasants for more grain .

  8. 所谓从体制问题上来解决,就是改变公社、生产大队、生产队的现有关系。

    By tackling the problem from the structural angle , I mean altering the present relationships among the commune , production brigade and production team .

  9. 现在干部数量已经很大,可能多几百万到千把万,包括生产大队、生产队的干部。

    We already have a large number of cadres , with perhaps up to ten million or so more than we need , if cadres of production brigades and teams are included .

  10. 基于中国的背景,传统乡村住区系统演变的历史轨迹是:社会作用力主导的传统村落系统经济作用力主导的乡村集市系统政治作用力主导的生产大队系统。

    Before the modern urbanization in China , the rural settlement experienced the following stage : the traditional hamlet system dominated by social force , the rural fair system dominated by the economic force and the rural production village system dominated by the political force .