
  • 网络Productivity Movement
  1. 生产力学是研究社会生产力发展运动规律的科学,生产力学是社会科学和自然科学相互渗透和相互推动的创新学科。

    The science of productivity is a science aiming at the study of the law of development of social productivity and a new discipline originating from the combination of social sciences and natural sciences .

  2. 人类生存发展的需要,构成了考试活动对生产力内在矛盾运动发生作用的逻辑起点。

    The survival requirement of the human being constitutes the logical premise to think about the inherent contradiction of the productivity made by the examination .

  3. 论社会生产力的内涵及其运动规律

    On the Content of Social Productive Forces and Its Characteristics of Motion

  4. 现代化作为生产力发展的现实运动,极大地改变着人类社会的面貌。

    Modernization as the development of productive capability of the reality movement , have greatly changed the condition of human society .

  5. 生产力跨越式发展是当代社会生产力运动的基本规律,是当代社会最根本的实践活动。

    Overstepping development of productivity is the basic law of the movement of contemporary social productive forces as well as the most fundamental practice activity of the contemporary society .