
  1. 当前,中国的经济发展正步入了一个充满机遇与挑战的历史时期:加入WTO,融入全球化的市场环境,经济的全球化和市场化带来生产力要素的快速流动和产业价值链的重新布局;

    Nowadays China is stepping into a new era which is full of opportunities and challenges : The entry to WTO is bringing China into a global market , globalization and marketization make productivity factors flow more faster than before and the industrial value-chain has been redistributed ;

  2. 对生产力要素和生产力规律之浅见

    A Note on the Key Elements and Laws of Productive Forces

  3. 施工设备是企业生产力要素的重要组成部分,正确进行设备投资,创造最佳经济效益是施工企业管理的重要内容之一。

    Construction equipments are important composition among essential factors of enterprises productivity .

  4. 集成经济来源于企业对不同边际生产力要素的更充分利用。

    Compositive economy came from enterprises ' making more advantages of different marginal productivity factors .

  5. 生产力要素新论新编辑手记

    New Theories of the Essences of Productivity

  6. 随着知识经济时代的到来,生产力要素也在不断地发生着改变。

    With the advent of the knowledge economy , factors of production are constantly undergoing change .

  7. 营销是企业永恒的主题,营销是主要的生产力要素。

    Marketing is the eternal theme of the business , marketing is a major factor productivity .

  8. 宁夏农业与农村经济结构的调整&从生产力要素的角度分析

    Adjustment of Agriculture and Rural Economy Structure in Ningxia & Analyzing from aspect of productivity factors

  9. 人的因素始终是企业最活跃的生产力要素,也是企业最宝贵的财富。

    Human factor is the most active productivity element and the most valuable wealth of a corporate .

  10. 不同的时期,生产力要素最佳配合比例也可能发生变化。

    Different period , probably cooperating with the best proportion of key productive elements might change accordingly .

  11. 3鼓励生产力要素流动,促进要素的优化配置;

    Encouraging the flow of the factors of productive force and promoting the optimal disposal of the factors ;

  12. 从理论和实践两方面讨论了农业环境是农业生产力要素的命题。

    Agricultural Environment as one of the essential factors determining Agricultural production force is discussed both theoretically and practically .

  13. 本文从生产力要素出发对工业企业无形资源的基本要素进行定性分析。

    This paper analyzes qualitatively the basic factor of intangible resources of industrial enterprises from the factor of productivity .

  14. 环境资源是经济发展的基础,是生产力要素的重要组成部分。

    Environmental resources is the basis of economic development , and it also an important part of the productivity factor .

  15. 农业女性化和老龄化实质上是生产力要素中的核心要素&劳动者的女性化和老龄化。

    Essentially , the core element of agricultural feminization and aging is the population feminization and aging of on-farm workers .

  16. 接着,通过对物流业生产力要素的特性的研究,分析了我国发展现代物流业的切入点。

    Thirdly , this paper studies the characteristic about factor-prolificacy of logistics , and analyses the hitting-point of logistics of china .

  17. 数字经济时代的经济形态是知识经济,知识将成为新的生产力要素。

    The economy mode in the digital economy Age is knowledge economy , Knowledge will be the new factors of productive force .

  18. 资本、技术、无形资产作为生产力要素参与分配是基于对劳动价值论的再认识。

    Capitals , techniques and invisible capitals as productive elements taking shares in distribution is based on recognition of labor theory of value .

  19. 文章从优化生产力要素配置的角度并结合西部实际,对我国西部地区加快推进新型工业化的主要路径进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses the main route of the new-type industrialization in western China in term of optimizing the key elements of productivity .

  20. 而生产力要素也应变为:人类开发、创造、保护和利用资源的能力;

    And the essential factors should also be changed into : the ability of human development , creation , protection and resources utilization ;

  21. 民族文化是楚雄彝州最具活力、最有特色的生产力要素之一。

    With regard to Chuxiong Yi Nationality Autonomous Prefecture , the local ethnic culture is one of the most energetic elements of productive forces .

  22. 生产力要素不应是动者、动资料和动对象,而是体现人类认识和改造世界的认知力、取力、造力和创新力。

    The productivity essences are not labors , working materials and working objects rather than the ability of understanding , acquiring , producing and innovating .

  23. 而当前的一个基本认定是,继原料、资产、劳动力和资本之后,信息已成为第五个生产力要素。

    Now there is a firm belief that follow material , asset , labor and capital , information had become the fifth productivity essential factor .

  24. 而自由企业制度的创立与发展,成为容纳多种生产力要素及整合各种资源的载体。

    With the founding and development of enterprise institution , firm become a carrier accommodating all kinds of productivity factors and integrating all sorts of resources .

  25. 为各种生产力要素的优化组合,为乡村社会经济文化环境的跨越式和可持续发展发挥示范效应。

    Play a model role for the optimum integration of varied production factors and the leap-forward sustainable development of the countryside in economy , culture and environment .

  26. 信息技术是当今世界最先进的生产力要素,随着信息技术的迅猛发展和普及应用,电子政务的发展成为现实。

    Information technology is the most advanced factor of productivity in the world . With the development of computer and network techniques , E-government became a reality .

  27. 人是生产力要素中最重要的因素,如何吸引人才、留住人才及充分发挥人的才能成为企业发展的关键。

    Talent is the most important factors of production resources . How to attract and retain talent and give full play to people can become critical for enterprise development .

  28. 建国以后,在我国农业和农村经济曲折的发展过程中,生产力要素配置规律起了决定性的作用。

    The Configuration Law of Productivity Elements plays an important role during the developing process of our country 's agriculture and rural economy after the foundation of our country .

  29. 作为生产力要素中的首要要素&人力资源成为企业柔性能力的关键,提高人力资源柔性水平成为组织提升竞争优势的重要方法。

    Human resource as a chief factor among productivity factors is critical to enterprise flexibility , and improving human resource flexibility has become an important management approach to enhancing competitive advantages .

  30. 高技术已经成为生产力要素的组合形式之一,是当代先进的生产力的主要内容和标志之一。

    High-tech , which has become one of productivity factors , is the main content of contemporary advanced productive forces . And it has become a main symbol of the advanced productivity .