
  • 网络production reserve
  1. 生产储备及营运资金储备有大量资金、能源、物资

    Have great reserves of capital , energy , stock

  2. 另一方面,1975年通过的《生物与毒素武器公约(BTWC)》确实禁止生产和储备生物武器。

    The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention ( BTWC ) on the other hand , was enacted in1975 and does prohibit the production and stockpiling of bioweapons .

  3. 基于生产能力储备的应急物资协议企业选择研究

    Research on Selecting Emergency Material Agreement Enterprises Based on Productivity Reserve

  4. 为了保障我国的粮食安全,需要特别重视提高粮食生产、储备、流通体系的建设。

    To guarantee the security of Chinese grain , we should pay more attention to the improvement of grain production , grain storage and Circulation System .

  5. 通过退耕还林,实现了粮食产品储备向粮食生产能力储备的转换,从而使粮食生产能力储备向粮食产品储备可持续转换成为可能。

    Conversion of cropland to forest has realized transformation from the grain product reserve to the food production ability reserve ; therefore , it is possible transforming from the food production ability reserve to the grain product reserve .

  6. 第二章,分析了武钢民用煤气输配系统的现状,对用户动态需求估计不准,按照最大能力组织生产,储备能力过剩,管网输送能力富余;

    Chapter n analyzes the present urban gas civil use in WISCO , and points out that the major problems are miscalculation of fluctuating needs of users , rigid maximum production , excess reserve , and redundant pipe net transport .

  7. 文章概括了我国粮食食品安全的现状,特别指出了米、面等粮食食品中存在的安全问题,并从生产、储备、加工、流通和消费多个环节分析了粮食食品安全问题产生的原因。

    This paper summarized present status of safety of cereal foods in China , and pointed out the main problems of rice and flour safety . The reasons of theses safety problems in such steps as production , stock , process , circulation and consumption were analyzed .

  8. 加强粮食生产能力的储备。

    Strengthening reserve for ability of grain production .

  9. 许多生产队还储备粮食。

    Many production teams even laid in reserves .

  10. 根据塔河油田今后几年的产量规划,对完善油田建设的总体规划、制定地面工程建设标准及建立原油生产和商业储备等方面提出了建议。

    According to the production planning in future several years , in order to consummate the general plan of Tahe Oilfield , to formulate the surface-facility standards , and to build the systems of oil production and commercial storage in Tahe Oilfield , some technical suggestions were proposed .

  11. 在戴德立发表上述言论之际,BP公布了其最新的统计年鉴,该报告被视为能源业的圣经,其中包含每个国家在油气生产、消费和储备方面的数据。

    His remarks came as the company published its latest annual statistical review , regarded as an energy industry bible , which contains country-by-country data on oil and gas production , consumption and reserves .

  12. 这分析在3个月包括国民生产总值对外汇储备,相当数量进口对外汇储备,M2对国际储备和外汇储备到相当数量短期债务比率为中国和韩国。

    This analysis includes GDP to foreign exchange reserves , amount of imports in 3 months to foreign exchange reserves , M2 to international reserves , and foreign exchange reserves to amount of short-term debt ratio for China and Korea .

  13. 目前,国外各大汽车公司和零部件供应商几乎都己完成批量生产EPAS的技术储备,并且已经将EPAS作为选装件应用到少量车型上。

    Almost all the famous automobile company abroad have developed their own EPAS and have the ability to volume-produce EPAS by now . EPAS has been also applied to some car as a elective product .

  14. 生态建设要与粮食生产能力建设和储备相结合。

    To combine the ecological construction and food production and storage .

  15. 矿山生产设备备件及其储备量计算方法探讨

    Approach on the replacement parts and the calculation method of its reserves of mine production unit

  16. 发现这样的规则可以应用于产品销售预测、生产组织、库存储备等。

    Those association Rules are used to prospect products saling , organize manufacture production , products stock .

  17. 介绍了氢能源的生产、运输、储备及转化,使读者对其有所了解。

    In this article , production , transportation storage and conversion of hydrogen energy are introduced to make reader understand .

  18. 在市场经济条件下,生产矿量的储备水平对企业经济效益有直接影响,多了造成资金积压,财务和维护费用增加;

    Under the marketing economic condition , the storage level of the ore production quantity will directly have influence on the enterprise economic benefit .

  19. 粮食安全具有典型的公共物品属性,需要政府在粮食的生产、流通以及储备等环节投入足够的资源以确保国家粮食安全目标的实现。

    Grain security is the typical public goods , which requires government to input adequate resources into production , distribution and reservation to guarantee the realization of national grain security .