- sweet orange

GIS-Based Fine Climate Ecological Zoning of Sweet Orange in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area
Analysis of Chemical Constituents of Sweet Orange Oil by GC / MS
The vitamin c content and organic acid in the oranges lowered slightly , but not so for the apples ;
Spectrophotometric Determination of Ascorbic Acid in Vitamin C Tablets , Beverage , Orange and Urine With 2,6-Dichloroindophenol by Flow Injection Analysis
A study on the changes of the physiological effect and Nutrimental Composition of sweet oranges and apples induced by gamma irradiation
Initial experiment of the biological effects on orange by He-Ne laser irradiation
Determination of Cold Resistance in Some Cultivars of Sweet Orange by Electric conductivity Method in Combination with Logistic Equation
Cloning of β - carotene Hydroxylase cDNA from Orange ( Citrus sinensis ) and Its Transient Antisense Expression
GC-MS Study on the Essential Oil of Citrus Peel ⅱ . The Analysis on the Sweet Orange Oil
Preliminary study on One-step RT-PCR detection of Citrus exocortis viroid ( CEVd ) and its distribution in different parts of sweet orange
In addition , their behavior studied by differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) and infrared ( IR ) techniques revealed that complexation did occur between sweet orange oil and beta-cyclodextrin .
Primers designed according to the both ends of the coding region of Cab full length cDNA sequence , citrus sinensis genomic DNA as template cloned the full-length genes of Cab . 2 .
But the percentage of small pollen ( 25.67 % ) was much higher than the corresponding parents ( ' Hamlin ' was 0.70 % , Rough lemon was 3.80 % ) .
Result : MTT assay showed that sinensetin inhibited the growth of AGS gastric cancer cells in a dose-and time-dependent manner .
They were once thought to be a hybrid of a mandarin and a bitter orange , but modern genetic studies have confirmed that they 're a hybrid of mandarins and sweet oranges .
However , with primer OPW-12 , the plants contained a unique band of Hamlin sweet orange .
Sweet orange cultivars of high yield and high quality , especially suitable for NFC juice processing , can help to reduce raw material cost and improve juice quality .
( b ) the optimal formula of the health drinks was sugar 12 % , citric acid 0.1 % , flavouring 0.025 % , stabilizer 0.02 % and trollius extract 40 % ;
The extraction and purification of ascorbic acid oxidase ( AAO ) from squash ( Cucurbita pepo medullosa ) and the possibility of application of this enzyme in the storage of deaerated orange juices were investigated .
Spray or leaf daub of 14C-2,4-D was employed to pursue absorption , translocation and distribution of 2,4-D in seedling of ' An Liu Cheng ' orange .
By using Hamlin , Pioneer , Xinhui , the three sweet orange species , as experiment materials , this paper analysed the aroma by Friedman Sequence and Gas Spectrum method . And finally the best producing sweet orange juice species was determined .
Were electrically fused with embryogenic protoplasts of sweet orange ( C. sinensis Osbeck cv . Shamouti ) based on fusion parameters as previously reported . Forty plants have been obtained from fusion products .
Kohonen self-organization of artificial neural network model was applied to establish computer intelligential expert system for assessment of beginning occurrence stage of citrus canker on the basis of the tip sprout stage of sweet orange and the climate in regular period .
Ethanol contents reached 519.8 μ g / kg in peel and 1 547.1 μ g / kg in juice , respectively , after 30 days in ultra low oxygen condition , which were about 83 times higher than those in control fruits .
242 samples of satsuma mandarin ( Citrus unshiu Marc ), tangerine ( C. reticulata Blanc ), sweet orange ( C. sinensis Osb . ) and pummelo ( C. grandis Osb . ) were randomly collected from ten counties of Hubei , Hunan , and Jiangxi .
Grapefruit contains a type of chemical called furanocoumarin ( also found in seville oranges and limes but not valencia or other sweet oranges ) , which , by inhibiting the enzyme CYP3A4 , stops the breakdown of some prescription drugs .
Research on Improvement of Thermal performance of Sichuan Traditional Orange Cellar
Studies on the storage technology of Hamlin orange and their mechanism
Release of microencapsulated sweet orange oil on different relative humidity condition
With orange and grape flavor and heritage , lasting fragrance .