
wǎ gōng
  • bricklayer;tiling;bricklaying;tiler;plasterer;plastering;tiling or plastering
瓦工 [wǎ gōng]
  • (1) [bricklaying;tiling or plastering]∶指砌砖、盖瓦等建筑工作

  • (2) [bricklayer;tiler;plasterer]∶用砖或砌块和砂浆砌筑房屋、烟囱或其它构筑物的工人

瓦工[wǎ gōng]
  1. 我公司有专业:木工,瓦工,油工,电工,水暖工师傅,木工制品、包门包窗,天花吊顶。

    Our company have a professional : carpentry , bricklaying , oil workers , electricians , master plumbers , carpentry products , bags door package windows , ceiling ceiling .

  2. 以建筑工种瓦工为例,基于岗位能力分析,将工种技能培训项目进行模块化分割,组建培训单元,形成单位制、模块化的培训体系。

    Take the bricklaying as an example , based onthe analysis of job skills , the training program for the modular division , establish training unit , forming the training system , modular units .

  3. 他给瓦工打下手。

    He worked as a bricklayer 's mate

  4. 瓦工和木工经常使用铅垂线。

    Bricklayers and carpenters often use plumb lines .

  5. 我们所有人员都具有管道工、细木工和砖瓦工的资格证书。

    All our staff have qualifications in plumbing , joinery and masonry .

  6. 一种新工具可使不请工匠自己动手的人能像砖瓦工一样将砖砌得整整齐齐。

    A new tool helps do-it-yourselfers lay bricks as neatly as professional .

  7. 瓦工:铺地砖、墙砖、大理石,土建工程等。

    Bricklayer : floor tile , wall tiles , marble , civil works and so on .

  8. 建筑商出每周1000镑雇佣葡萄牙砖瓦工,因为英国实在是缺少可用的人手。

    Builders are hiring Portuguese bricklayers on £ 1000 a week because not enough Britons can do the job .

  9. 我自己的观点是,这就像建筑师或者砖瓦工在巴黎第一次开始修建大教堂。

    I think of myself like maybe the architects or bricklayers did who first started building the Cathedrals in Paris .

  10. 征地后,一部分到铁路工段上打工,多从事汽修以及泥瓦工等工作。

    After land requisition , some people work on railway construction section with work of automobile service and mud & tile .

  11. 一位以前当瓦工的朋友说,这对夫妻过去经常开玩笑,说如果他们结婚一定会举办一场童话般的婚礼。

    The former bricklayer said the couple used to joke that if they ever got married , they would have a fairytale wedding .

  12. 英国现在技术娴熟的工人严重稀缺砖瓦工,水管工,电工,机械工程师,载重物货车司机,他补充道。

    There is a severe shortage of skilled tradespeople in Britain bricklayers , plumbers , electricians , mechanical engineers , HGV drivers , he added .

  13. 受到影响的行当包括砖瓦工、水暖工和木匠。由于澳大利亚的建筑行业增长放缓,导致该行业技工需求下降。

    Bricklayers , plumbers and carpenters are among the occupations affected , as demand for skilled staff falls in Australia 's slowing building and construction sectors .

  14. 它不能着手于培训人们木工、泥瓦工或是类似的手艺,因为他们担心那么做会导致与目前的熟练工人的竞争,甚至引发工会之间的对抗。

    It cannot start teaching people carpentry , masonry , and the like , for fear of competing with established skills and arousing the antagonism of existing unions .

  15. 那时,这老头儿只不过是个泥瓦工罢了。他之所以发迹,我认为靠的是精明的而不是业绩。

    In his time , the old gentleman was a working mason , and had risen form the ranks more , I think , by shrewdness than by merit .