
  • 网络Ruili;Reilly;Joe Viterelli
  1. 克里斯?恰帕瑞里,CaféDesArtistes如果你喝着红葡萄酒,同时享受进餐的乐趣,你将会更健康。

    If you drink red wine , enjoy your meal , you 'll be more healthy .

  2. 朝鲜计划在今日与下周三之间从舞水瑞里(musudanri)发射场发射一枚洲际弹道导弹,朝鲜政府称,火箭将携带一颗通讯卫星进入太空。

    North Korea plans to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile which Pyongyang says will carry a communications satellite into space from musudanri between today and Wednesday .

  3. 请你叫她给瑞里罗斯金打个电话好吗?

    Would you ask her to call Larry Ruskin at 836_2550 ?

  4. 不知道有没有人可以通知瑞里家的人。

    No , I can 't see flames yet .

  5. 正当他奋力拔出斧头,他听见埋在尸体下面的马瑞里安发出的呻吟。

    As he struggled to yank the blade loose , he heard Marillion moaning under the bodies .

  6. 约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的莫洛·马瑞里和李朝阳正在尝试这样做。

    And that is what Mauro Marrelli and Chaoyang Li of Johns Hopkins University are trying to do .

  7. 马瑞里安张大了嘴,看着她缓缓起身,表情从困惑转为懊恼。

    Marillion gaped at her , confusion giving way to chagrin as Catelyn rose slowly to her feet .

  8. 用瑞里&李兹方法建立了含内埋圆形或椭圆形脱层板的屈曲分析模型。

    Thirdly , buckling model for plates with built-in circular or elliptic delaminations is established by employing Rayleigh-Ritz method .

  9. 瑞里是一位受人尊敬的学者;泰勒同样是一位教授,他因为诺贝尔奖而受人尊重。

    Ariely is a respected academic ; Thaler – also a professor – is widely tipped for a Nobel prize .

  10. 如果瑞里在描述一个下雨天,而我在描述一个艳阳天,我们并不是在相互反驳。

    If Ariely describes a rainy day and I describe a sunny one , we are not really contradicting each other .

  11. 马瑞里安可没这么好运,对方连人带马朝他摔去,一团砸在他身上。

    Marillion was less fortunate . Horse and rider crashed to the ground in a tangle on top of the singer .

  12. 马瑞里安反问,那里冰雪满天飞,出个门都裹得厚厚的,而且史塔克家的人哪懂什么音乐?他们只爱听狼嚎罢了。

    It 's all blizzards and bearskins up there , and the Starks know no music but the howling of wolves .

  13. 君主为司凯儿.瑞里的美色所迷惑,基于此因很轻易同意赐与这些恩惠。

    The Sultan had already been won by the beauty of Schehera-zade , and he found it easy to grant this favor .

  14. 我叫马瑞里安,歌手边说边拨着一根琴弦,想必你们在别的地方听过我表演?

    My name is Marillion , the singer said , plucking a string on his woodharp . Doubtless you 've heard me play somewhere ?

  15. 你爷爷讲话真酸,马瑞里安对凯特琳说,我本来是想歌颂你的美貌哪。

    Your grandfather has a sour nature , Marillion said to Catelyn . I meant to do you honor . An homage to your beauty .

  16. 此乃取于瑞里茶成品圆亮似珠,而中国人自喻为龙的传人,会世世代代流传下去之意。

    This is named by Ruili tea 's pearl-like roundness and brightness and that Chinese figure themselves as the descendants of the dragon who will spread forever .

  17. 但由于其他产区茶商的大量收购,在市面上反而少见瑞里茶叶之名。

    However , because of a large number of purchasing by other productive area 's tea dealers , the name Ruili tea is seldom seen on the market .

  18. 夫人,马瑞里安驱骑向前,请您允许我也陪伴您到鹰巢城去,我看到了故事的开头,也想看看故事怎么结束。

    My lady , Marillion said , riding forward . I beg you allow me to accompany you to the Eyrie , to see the end of the tale as I saw its beginnings .

  19. 侏儒连看都没看房间这边一眼,凯特琳心里暗自庆幸,还好自己的位置与他们隔了这么多拥挤的餐桌和长凳。这时马瑞里安突然跳将起来。

    The dwarf had not so much as glanced toward the far end of the room , and Catelyn was thinking how grateful she was for the crowded benches between them when suddenly Marillion bounded to his feet .

  20. 从影片的音色中可以判断出人物众多,包括萨尔玛•海耶克,约翰•瑞里,托比•琼斯和文森特•卡塞尔在内的强大的演员阵容饰演了“巫师和仙女,可怕的怪物,食人魔和年老的洗衣女工,杂技演员和交际花。”

    The billing for Tale of Tales gives a clue as to the timbre of a film populated by " sorcerers and fairies , fearsome monsters , ogres and old washerwomen , acrobats and courtesans " - played by a strong ensemble cast that includes Salma Hayek , John C Reilly , Toby Jones and Vincent Cassel .