
nǎo lǔ
  • Nauru
瑙鲁[nǎo lǔ]
  1. 在夕阳中驶离瑙鲁海滩的散装磷矿石船。

    Phosphate bulk carrier off the cost of Nauru at sunset .

  2. 结果找到瑙鲁的一个匿名海外银行账户。

    Back to an anonymous offshore bank account in nauru .

  3. 位于瑙鲁岛上的一个共和国;磷酸盐出口是其经济支柱。

    An island republic on Nauru Island ; phosphate exports support the economy .

  4. 帮我在地图上找瑙鲁。

    Help me find Nauru on this map .

  5. 瑙鲁地方政府参议会(礼堂)他身着礼服出席我们的会议。

    Nauru Local Government Council ( Domaneab ) He attended our meeting in full folio .

  6. 鸟粪是西太平洋岛国瑙鲁岛最便宜的出口产品。

    Bird droppings are the chief export of Nauru , an island nation in the Western Pacific .

  7. 有意思的是,世界上第三和第四小的国家--瑙鲁和图瓦卢--都分别拥有自己的机场;

    Interestingly enough , the third and fourth smallest countries , Nauru and Tuvalu , respectively , have their own airports ;

  8. 瑙鲁共和国〔非联合国会员国〕鸟粪是西太平洋岛国瑙鲁岛最便宜的出口产品。

    The Republic of Nauru Bird droppings are the chief export of Nauru , an island nation in the Western Pacific .

  9. 瑙鲁总统马库斯斯蒂芬在进入政界前,曾在英联邦运动会上获得过举重项目的7枚金牌和5枚银牌。

    Nauru 's President , Marcus Stephen , won seven gold and five silver Commonwealth Games medals before he went into politics .

  10. 全球有许多默默无闻的小国家,就算资源丰富的西太平洋岛国瑙鲁,也面对重重困难。

    The world has many tiny states which have languished in obscurity , with even resource-rich small stakes like Nauru mired in problems .

  11. 只有4个司法管辖地拒绝签署执行新规,它们是巴拿马、巴林、瑙鲁和瓦努阿图。

    Panama is one of just four jurisdictions , along with Bahrain , Nauru and Vanuatu , that have refused to sign up .

  12. 仅有两个国家,危地马拉和瑙鲁没有合法的税收情报交换体系(尽管事实上该体系运作良好)。

    Only two countries , Guatemala and Nauru , have no legal system for the exchange of tax information , although they are working on it .

  13. 一如大部分珍贵资源,开采鸟粪层代价很高。鸟粪是西太平洋岛国瑙鲁岛最便宜的出口产品。

    Like most treasure , guano demanded a high price for its extraction . Bird droppings are the chief export of Nauru , an island nation in the Western Pacific .

  14. 南太平洋的瑙鲁和库克群岛分别排在第二和第三,其肥胖人口比例分别为71%和63%。

    Nauru and the Cook Islands , also found in the South Pacific Ocean , come in second and third places with 71 per cent and 63 per cent of the population obese .

  15. 柬埔寨去年与澳大利亚达成3200万美元的重新安置难民协议。澳大利亚拒绝接受这些难民,他们被暂时安置在太平洋岛国瑙鲁的拘留中心。

    Cambodia last year reached a $ 32 million agreement to resettle refugees who were rejected by Australia and are now being held in a detention center in the Pacific island nation of Nauru .

  16. 提议的这条法律如获通过,那么将意味着,乘船抵达澳大利亚寻求避难的难民将在其案件审理期间被送离出境,最可能的目的地是太平洋上的贫穷岛国瑙鲁。

    The proposed law would have meant that asylum seekers who reached Australia by boat would have been sent offshore while their cases were processed , most likely to Nauru , an impoverished island in the Pacific .