
pá yīn
  • arpeggio
琶音[pá yīn]
  1. 这是对琶音练习的建议,不要以速度为目标。

    This goes for all arpeggio exercises : Never aim for speed .

  2. 论钢琴教学中的音阶与琶音练习

    On the Practice of Gamut and Arpeggio in Piano Teaching

  3. 引子在弦乐的震音上竖琴奏出了琶音,一种迷人的音响。

    The introduction presents arpeggios on the harp against a string tremolo -- an enchanting sonority .

  4. 此项技术对明快、热闹的音乐,如摇滚乐的n琶音最适合。

    The technology works best for bright , loud music such as rock ' n ' roll .

  5. 通过思考多种的组合,你可以运用你的p、i、m和a指在不同的琴弦上和不同的音符来弹奏出一系列的琶音。

    Think of all the combinations you can play with your p , I , m and a fingers and multiply them with the number of strings on your guitar and then with the number of notes in succession .

  6. 但他演奏这真正完美的琶音。

    And then he does these real immaculate arpeggios .

  7. 如何练习琶音?

    How do I practice arpeggio ( arp . )?

  8. 为了诠释这部分的音乐,奥特准确地控制着和弦和琴键,如瀑布倾泻一样向下琶音弹奏两个八度。

    Ms Ott delivered cascading double octaves , arresting chords and keyboard-sweeping arpeggios with great control .

  9. 玛丽安教给他几种的弦的弹奏一些基本的琶音来为自己伴奏。

    Marian had ' shown him some chords and how to handle basic arpeggios to accompany himself .

  10. 旋律照应了歌曲名,一直围绕着三个重复的钢琴下行琶音。

    The music evokes the song 's name , revolving around three circling and falling piano arpeggios .

  11. 如果我开始讲音阶和琶音和其他形式的精彩的说教式的小提琴教学法

    if I started talking about scales and arpeggios and other exciting forms of didactic violin pedagogy .

  12. 颤音不是一种技巧,只是某种的琶音的表现形式。

    Tremolo is not a technique . It is an effect produced when a certain type of arpeggio is employed .

  13. 你可以用不同效果来修饰你的想法,不同的琶音方法,叠加一段旋律,或其它的什么。

    You can ornament your idea with different effects , various strumming approaches , superimposing a melody , or whatever .

  14. 在钢琴教学中,音阶、半音阶、琶音、属七和减七和弦琶音、双八度以及双三度等这些技术类型的训练占着重要的地位。

    The training and practice of gamut , semi-gamut , arpeggio etc , play an important part in piano teaching .

  15. 他假充是音乐的行家,说什么“波光闪烁般的和声”、“柔和的琶音”。

    He 's such a pseud , with his talk of " lambent harmonies " and " melting arpeggios " .

  16. 一般来说,钢琴演奏指法可以归纳为旋律指法与和弦琶音指法两大基本类型。

    Generally speaking , the fingering of playing the piano can be divided into two categories , namely , tune fingering and chord fingering .

  17. 从钢琴弹奏法这个观点来看,因为琶音从本质上来说是基础的放大,是放大了的音阶,所在我们将音阶与琶音放到了一起。

    From the point of view of piano technique we group scales and arpeggios together , since arpeggios are essentially magnified , amplified scales .

  18. 引子,在弦乐的震音上竖琴奏出了琶音,一种迷人的音响。这是对琶音练习的建议,不要以速度为目标。

    The introduction presents arpeggios on the harp against a string tremolo & an enchanting sonority . This goes for all arpeggio exercises : Never aim for speed .