
lǐ jiě néng lì
  • comprehension;understandability;understanding;ability to understand
  1. 另一个例证是朗读。研究表明,朗读会赋予孩子更多的词汇量,阅读理解能力也更强。

    Another example is reading aloud , which studies have shown gives children bigger vocabularies and better reading comprehension in school .

  2. 已知信息在CET阅读理解能力中不可忽视。

    The Known information should not be overlooked in CET Reading Comprehension .

  3. 她直到临终那天一直保持着思维和理解能力。

    She retained her mental faculties until the day she died .

  4. 她显得缺乏理解能力,实在令人遗憾。

    She shows a lamentable lack of understanding .

  5. 他的理解能力极强。

    He has a mind of great capacity .

  6. 能够形成英语式思维,母语式的理解能力。可以灵活自如地交流和运用

    Being able to develop English thinking , mother-tongue understanding , communicate and applicate flexibly .

  7. 同时,笔者在教学实验中还以SpeechAct理论、SpeechEvent理论以及Schema理论为辅,用以说明将语用学应用在听力教学上的确对学生的听力理解能力有所帮助。

    Meanwhile , the researcher uses Speech Act theory , Speech Event theory and Schema theory as supplement in a pedagogical implication to show that the appliance of pragmatics in teaching listening can indeed help students enhance their listening comprehension ability .

  8. 通过两个调查问卷,和大学英语六级测试成绩,经过SPSS软件的统计分析,对河南中医学院2003级研究生医学班的131名学生进行了阅读策略与阅读理解能力相关性的实证研究。

    By means of 2 questionnaires and SPSS analysis of CET-6 grades , we have conducted an evidence research with 131 medical graduate students of the year 2003 in correlation between reading policy and reading comprehension ability .

  9. 特别是词汇组块突破了传统意义上的词汇及搭配的范围,已经扩大到语句甚至语篇的范畴,有利于语篇理解能力的培养(Lewis,1993)。

    In particular , lexical chunks break through the traditional sense of the word and collocation , whose scope has been expanded to sentence or even discourse , which are conducive to discourse comprehension abilities ( Lewis , 1993 ) .

  10. 【方法】对93例LD儿童进行学习能力综合测试,包括智力(IQ)、视&动统合(VMI)、注意力、听觉记忆广度、语言表达能力、阅读能力、理解能力等测试。

    The comprehensive tests of learning ability was performed in 93 children with learning disabilities . It was included intelligence quotient ( IQ ), visual-motor integration ( VMI ), attention , hearing-memory span , language expression , reading ability and faculty of understanding .

  11. LD组注意力、听觉记忆广度、语言表达能力、阅读能力和理解能力检测异常率分别为41.2%、46.2%、68%、60.2%、72%,比正常组明显增高(P<0.05)。

    The abnormal rate of attention , hearing-memory span , language expression , reading ability and faculty of understanding in LD group were higher than control group ( 41.2 % ? 46.2 % ? 68 % ? 60.2 % ? 72 % , respectively , P < 0.05 ) .

  12. 结果表明,PBL教学法在激发学习兴趣,培养临床思维能力,增强理论理解能力,改善归纳能力,提高分析能力和教学效率等方面明显优于传统的教学法(P<0.01);

    It could inspire students ' interest , cultivate their clinical thinking , enhance their comprehensive ability , improve their synthetical ability , elevate their ability of analysis and teaching efficiency . It has significant advantages than that of traditionary teaching method ( P < 0.01 );

  13. 关联理论对语用学的定义是这样的:语用学是研究普遍认知原则、话语理解能力及其所产生的语境效果的一门学问(SperberandWilson,1987)。

    According to the definition of pragmatics given in Relevance : " Pragmatics is the study of the general cognitive principles and abilities involved in utterance interpretation , and of their cognitive effects " ( Sperber and Wilson , 1987:5 ) .

  14. 如何培养与提高英语阅读理解能力

    How to Cultivate and Improve the Ability in English Reading Comprehension

  15. 没有人怀疑他对于抽象知识的理解能力。

    No one could doubt his ability to learn abstract knowledge .

  16. 谈提高学生英语阅读理解能力的方法与技巧

    Methods and Skills of Improving Students ' English Reading Comprehension Ability

  17. 大学英语四级考试中词汇能力和阅读理解能力的关系

    Investigating the Relationship between Vocabulary and Academic Reading Comprehension in CET4

  18. 同时需要空间关系的构思和理解能力。

    The ability to conceptualize and understand spatial relationships is needed .

  19. 重视语篇教育提高学生的阅读理解能力

    Attach Importance to Discourse Teaching Improve Students ' Reading Comprehension

  20. 儿童汉语词汇理解能力的性别差异

    Gender Differences in the Comprehension of Chinese Word Meanings among School Children

  21. 这本辞典有助于你提高英语的理解能力。

    This dictionary will help improve your understanding of English .

  22. 英语应用能力测试中阅读理解能力的调查研究与培养

    Survey Research and Development of Reading Ability in Practical English Ability Tests

  23. 具有良好的人际理解能力和职业素养。形象气质佳;

    Good interactive communication and professional qualification , good looking .

  24. 2~5岁儿童愿望理解能力的发展

    Development of Desire Understanding by Children Aged between 2 and 5 Years

  25. 约翰既聪明,理解能力又强。

    John was both clever and quick in the uptake .

  26. 幼儿信念推理、抑制控制与意图理解能力的关系

    Relationship Between Children 's Belief Reasoning , Inhibitory Control and Intention Understanding

  27. 因此,在进行实际翻译操作之前就需要提高理解能力。

    Therefore , receptive skills should be developed before the productive ones ;

  28. 年龄对统计图理解能力的影响

    The Impacts on Comprehension Capability of Statistical Graph about Age

  29. 也谈大学生英语听力理解能力的提高

    On How to Improve College Students ' English Listening Competence

  30. 英语口语流利,良好的书写和理解能力。

    Fluent oral English , writing and comprehension are necessary .