
  • 网络understanding china
  1. 从地缘安全角度理解中国的民族与跨界民族

    Understanding China 's Nation and Cross-border Nation from the Perspective of Geo-security

  2. 柯文师承费正清与史华慈,从20世纪50年代开始,踏入中国史研究领域,在近六十年的学术生涯中,一方面紧跟学术思潮的发展不断反思,另一方面积极地探索理解中国的新途径。

    Paul Cohen learned from John Fairbank King and Benjamin Schwartz , since set foot in the Chinese history study era in1950s ', he kept up with the academia trend of thought , explored the new way of understanding china in his Nearly sixty years academic career .

  3. S:你怎么理解中国的DJ文化?

    S : And what do you know about the DJ culture in china ?

  4. 在提出了社区建设和NGO发展的背景之后,笔者把行文的思路和方法做了简单的介绍说明,同时列出了理解中国城市社区和社区研究的基本框架。

    Community building and NGO development background , I do the ideas and methods of the wording simple a description lists the basic framework of understanding of urban communities and community .

  5. 另一位股东约翰斯莱特(johnslater)表示,伦敦亚洲基金之事,表明英国企业的董事们有必要去“理解中国人的行事方式,充分了解当地法律和习俗”。

    Another shareholder , John Slater , says the London Asia affair highlights the need for UK company directors to " understand the way business is done in China and have good advice on local laws and customs " .

  6. 我想,如果你努力学习,你就能够充分理解中国历史。

    I think if you , you understand Chinese history well .

  7. 我完全理解中国人晚上洗澡的喜好。

    I fully understand the Chinese preference for the evening shower .

  8. 如果加拿大被中国人(同盟)包围,估计你就能理解中国的处境了。

    If Canada were surrounded by Chinese , you may understand the situation .

  9. 身份概念成为理解中国古代叙事的一把钥匙。

    The concept of status is a key to understand traditional Chinese narrative .

  10. 我们要做的工作是让中国的年轻人更好的理解中国传统文化。

    We must do a better job teaching Chinese young people Chinese traditional culture .

  11. 这对于我们理解中国古代法律文化有着无比重要的意义。

    This is our understanding of ancient Chinese legal culture has a tremendous significance .

  12. 我们应该理解中国人对日本这种难以平息的怨言。

    We need to understand this persistent resentment against Japan among people in China .

  13. 但你也能理解中国。

    But you can also understand the Chinese .

  14. 误解是因为似乎很少有观察人士真正理解中国住宅房地产市场的结构。

    Misunderstood because few observers appear to grasp the structure of the residential property market .

  15. 在艺术方面,正如在任何其它领域一样,评论家和历史学家都非常渴望去理解中国。

    In art as everywhere else , commentators and historians are desperate to understand China .

  16. 他们没能真正理解中国的地域广阔、人口密集。

    They don 't really understand the size and immensity of China and its people .

  17. 作者认为,这个课题的研究对于理解中国文学的现代性展开具有重要意义。

    I believe that the subject is very important for understanding the modernity of Chinese Literature .

  18. 但他把那些疑虑归咎于外国人的敌意和不能理解中国。

    But he blamed those doubts on foreigners ' ill will and failure to understand China .

  19. 资源供给冲击与宏观经济波动&重新理解中国经济增长

    Resource Price Shock and Macroeconomic Fluctuation

  20. 事实上,我们仍然不能够够理解中国当代艺术的真实概念。

    In fact , we still do not understand the true concept of Chinese contemporary art .

  21. 本文试图用新凯恩斯主义的货币经济模型来理解中国货币政策。

    This paper attempts to elaborate China 's monetary policy in a new Keynesian monetary economic model .

  22. 交易效率、工业化与城市化&一个理解中国经济内生发展的理论模型与经验证据

    Transaction Efficiency , Industrialization and Urbanization : A Model and Empirical Evidence to Understand China 's Economic Development

  23. 一些这些方面的图书帮助我理解中国人对他们的生活的想法和感受。

    Some of these books assist in understanding how Chinese people might think and feel about their life .

  24. 梳理先秦诸子的思想及其对艺术的影响,有助于我们准确把握中国艺术思想发生发展的脉络,从而更深入地理解中国艺术。

    A clarification of their views and influence will help us to understand the development of Chinese artistic thought .

  25. 厘清“气韵”的含义对于我们正确地把握和理解中国古代艺术精神,将起到正本清源、明晰分理的作用。

    This knowledge will provide a clear perspective and help us to understand correctly the ancient Chinese artistic spirit .

  26. 但是我想说:那些喜欢其它教育方式的人是根本就不理解中国的教育。

    But I want to say : so somebody like other mode as somebody do not understand Chinese education .

  27. 中国传统的家庭制度是中国文化传统的核心内容,因此是理解中国传统性的关键,而财产制度则是家庭制度中最重要的内容。

    Family system has been the central institution of the Chinese tradition with property system being its most important component .

  28. 为了理解中国,我以合约的关系来看社会里的人际互动。

    I have been led by my efforts to understand China to see social interaction in terms of contractual relationships .

  29. 要理解中国的城市,市井实在是一个难以漠视乃至十分重要的所在。

    To comprehend the Chinese cities , the common civic consciousness , as an important concept , cannot be ignored .

  30. 要将公司凝聚为一体,康耶丝自己首先得理解中国文化。

    But before Conyers could worry about bringing the company together , she needed to understand Chinese culture for herself .