
  • 网络ideal current source;current source
  1. 本文从互感支路的伏安关系出发,导出了多线圈耦合网络具有理想电流源支路时的回路方程。

    Based on the V-I characteristics of the mutual inductance branch , the loop equations of the mutual inductance circuit with the branch consisted of ideal current source along are derived .

  2. 应用电路理论的基本定律分析理想电压源的并联和理想电流源的串联。

    With the basic laws of circuit theories , it analyzes ideal voltage source 's parallel connection and ideal current source 's series connection .

  3. 至于分形阵列,当前的研究基本上把天线单元处理成理想的电流源,而没有考虑各单元之间的互耦,这与实际情况也有较大的差异。

    When it comes fractal array , current research mostly take the fractal cells for ideal current sources and don 't consider the effect of coupling , which also have great differences with practical cases .

  4. 其输入信号源应使用理想电压源,而不应使用理想电流源。

    The input signal sources should use ideal voltage sources rather than ideal current sources .