- 名ideal gas

The Polytropic Exponent n and the Quasi - static Process of ideal Gas
So it 's , this is just the integral pdv And it 's an ideal gas , isothermal , right .
For the ideal gas , we know that u is volume independent .
At sufficiently high temperature and low pressure this ratio approaches the value R for an ideal gas .
The equation of state for n_2o_4
Knowing fully well that behind , that underneath the cA , is this reference concentration of one .
The Solutions of Einstein 's Field Equations for Ideal Gas Sphere
P ( V ) - ■ Theory and Classification of Quasistatic Process of Ideal Gas
Relativistic Correction for Maxwell Energy Distribution of Ideal Gas Molecules
Now , for an ideal gas , du / dV under = 0 constant temperature is equal to zero .
Understand the principles of the Ideal Gas Law and measure the amount of CO2 gas created in a chemical reaction .
Mayer 's Theory for the Microsystem of Imperfect Gas
Du It 's an ideal gas , and that 's equal to w1 prime .
Measurement on speed of sound and ideal gas heat capacity for HFC-134a
The natural gas compres - sion factor Z is introduced to modify the perfect gas equation and increase the accuracy of the temperature and pressure compensation for the flow meter .
These include analytical eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Jacobian matrix , flux splitting and the hybrid scheme for solution of Euler equations using real gas state laws .
The covariance of the state equation about ideal gas , Planck_law about black body radiation and thermodynamic Matsubara_function gives new proof of motion_temperature contraction .
This paper has proposed its opinion on the lead - through of the general constant R in the deductive method of thermodynamics of the state equation for ideal gases , and thus explicates the principled state of the equation in the thermodynamics .
Study on speed of sound and ideal - gas heat capacity at constant pressure for HFC-125
The pressure evolution profile of plasma generated by IPIB irradiated Al target with high enough beam energy density has also been calculated by combining the ideal gas model of plasma and HD equations .
This paper discusses the State Equation for Ideal Gases , the First Law of the Thermodynamics and Heat capacity with the PV figures and TS figures which make it easy to find the heat , work and energy change .
When the dimension n ( n < 6 ) is different , we get conclusions , by the London 's theory , that the equations of state for classical non-ideal gases are similar and have nothing to do with the relation between energy and spectrum .
In this article , hydrogen is adopted to displace the ideal gas in the experiment of " measuring the Molar gas constant R by displacement method " and a corresponding calculator program is designed . The program is proved feasible and reliable by the students ' experimental data .
The ideal gas heat capacity as well as the second acoustic virial coefficient has been deduced from the sound velocity measurements .
Giant pulse laser energe is absorbed uniformly by the shell of glass pellet filled with D-T gas . D-T gas is taken as the perfect gas here .
At the same time , for the detonation products , the JWL state equation is adopted , and the air is approximately regarded as the ideal gas .
TE 1.0 an acronym for Thermodynamic properties Estimation , is a computer code designed to estimate the ideal gas phase thermodynamic properties automatically for organic molecules and radicals , including some organometallic molecules , where the group additivity principles of Benson is used .
When high transportation pressure close to 10 MPa , it will bring about large error if calculated by using ideal state equation of gas .
According Hugoniot equation , ideal-gas equation , entropy equation , mass and momentum equation , we will figure out the C-J parameter of gas-phrase detonating , such as pressure , temperature , velocity and density .
For ideal gases , the detonation parameters calculated by this model are near to those calculated by CJ-ZND model .