
lǐ xìnɡ rèn shí
  • rational knowledge;rational cognition;conceptual knowledge
理性认识 [lǐ xìng rèn shi]
  • [rational knowledge; cognition] 指属于概念、判断和推理阶段的认识。它反映事物的本质和内部联系,以感性认识为基础,把丰富的材料进行去粗取精、去伪存真、由此及彼、由表及里的改造制作,就会飞跃和升华到这一高级阶段的认识。这种更深刻、全面反映客观事物的认识能更有效地指导行动

  1. 第二部分,VIS设计中品牌设计的内涵与外延,从理性认识和感性认识两个方面来深度剖析VIS设计对品牌的重要影响,从而树立起品牌独特的形象特征。

    The second part of the connotation and denotation of the VIS , design , brand design , from rational knowledge and perceptual depth analysis of the VIS design brand , thus establishing a unique brand image characteristics .

  2. 深化构建社会主义和谐社会的理性认识

    Rational Knowledge of Deepening the Building of Socialist Harmonious Society

  3. 厘清WTO内知识产权贸易争端的特点,有助于理性认识和解决中外知识产权贸易摩擦。

    The analysis of features of intellectual property rights disputes in WTO are helpful to understand and solve China & The World intellectual property rights conflicts .

  4. 并借鉴域外法治经验,尝试提出了WTO体制下中国国际贸易救济审查制度改革的若干构想,从而将对国际贸易救济审查制度和国际(经济)公法的理性认识边界向外拓展。

    This dissertation attempts to expand the boundary of the rational knowledge for review system in international trade remedies and to deepen the research in international economic public law .

  5. 行动研究法(actionresearch)是由社会情境(包括教育情境)的参与者为提高对所从事的社会的或教育实践的理性认识,为加深对实践活动及其依赖的背景的理解所进行的反思研究。

    The Action Research is the counter-study carried by participant of the social scene ( incl. educational scene ) to improve the logical understanding of social or educational practice and to deepen the understanding of practice and its background .

  6. 关于彩电价格战的理性认识

    On the rational interpretation of the price war of color TV-sets

  7. 它关涉着理性认识和实践活动之间的转化性。

    It concerns the transformation between theoretical understanding and practice activities .

  8. 理性认识转基因植物食品的安全性

    Rational Understanding of Safety of Genetically Modified Foods of Plant Origin

  9. 对中国税收收入增长的理性认识

    The Rational Understanding of the Tax Revenue 's Growth in China

  10. 后者则强调理性认识的可靠性和必要性,强调认识的理性来源。

    And the latter emphasized the reliability and necessity of reason cognition .

  11. 对教育的敬畏:教育发展所必需的理性认识

    Reverence of Education , Indispensable Rational Recognition for the Development of Education

  12. 原则是对矛盾运动及其规律的理性认识。

    Principle means rationally understanding contradiction movement and its rule .

  13. 首先对图像进行理性认识,对图像的概念和功能进行了分析。

    First of all , rational concept of the image and function .

  14. 反思是能动的审视,检验理性认识并进行加工的过程。

    Reflection is an automatic process to introspect and check rational insights .

  15. 最终近代科学、近代哲学理性认识论得以形成。

    And modem science reasoning and philosophy reasoning epistemology came into being .

  16. 故事表现出的不稳定性是理性认识与人的本能的冲突的外化表现。

    The story 's instability convinced the conflict between reason and instinct .

  17. 关于思想政治工作创新的理性认识

    The Creative Theories Understanding of the Political Ideology Work

  18. 再次,就艺术表现的内涵而言,艺术所表现的情感既是人类的普遍情感、与理性认识一样具有普遍的可传达性,又是人类生命活动的集中体现。

    Moreover , art was the embodiment of human 's creative life activity .

  19. 学科文化建设的理性认识与思考&学科文化及其与学科建设和发展的关系

    Rational Congnition and Thinking in Cultural Construction of Disciplines

  20. 对农村计划生育家庭投入机制与产出效益的理性认识

    Realizing on Family Investment and Product Benefit to Rural Families of Family Plan

  21. 该课程是日语专业的任选课,目的在于提高学生对日语的理性认识能力。

    This optional course aims at improving students'rational comprehension of the Japanese language .

  22. 大学音乐欣赏教学中的理性认识与审美评价

    Views on rational cognition and aesthetic evaluation in teaching music appreciation in universities

  23. 理性认识体育学科文化推动体育学科建设

    Rational Recognition on Sports Disciplinary Culture and Promoting the Construction of Sports Disciplinary

  24. 非国有经济信贷融资困境的理性认识

    Rational Cognition of Credit Financing Predicament of Non-state-owned Economy

  25. 理性认识我国外贸依存度走高

    Rationally Understanding our High Dependence upon Foreign Trade

  26. 康德将美学与需借助概念的逻辑理性认识严格地区分开来,然而,审美判断力在面对艺术问题时,也不得不纳入理性的内容。

    Kant strictly differentiates aesthetics from the logic rational cognition based on the conception .

  27. 对体育与健康的理性认识

    The Rational Understanding of Physical Education and Health

  28. 敬畏教育:教育发展必须具备的理性认识

    Rational Knowledge Should Be Needed in Educational Development

  29. 非理性认识与形象思维

    Irrational knowledge and thinking in terms of images

  30. 第三章多元纠纷解决机制存在的主要问题笔者主要从三个方面进行了分析:一是社会缺乏对司法限度的理性认识。

    One is that the rational knowledge of judicial limit lacks in the society .