
  1. 根据已经实现的无形收益构造的投资组合超额收益不能由FF三因素完全解释,排除了理性定价模型的解释。

    The portfolio excess return constructed by realized intangible return could not be explained by FF-three factors model , the rational pricing model was rejected .

  2. 理性定价与非理性定价&中国A股市场溢价成因研究

    Rational Pricing and Irrational Pricing : & A Study on the Cause of Premium in Chinese Stock Market

  3. 运用定价理论对电影贴片广告进行理性定价。

    The film advertisement uses the fixed price theory to the movie to carry on the rational fixed price .

  4. 经济学市场化定价理论建立了追求利润最大化的企业的理性定价的思维框架。

    Economics theory about market pricing builds up the rational decision framework , assuming all enterprises pursuing maximum profits .

  5. 笔者借鉴Mishkin(1983)和Sloan(1996)的做法,采用理性预期定价模型进行了实证检验。

    Following Mishkin ( 1983 ) and Sloan ( 1996 ), the author tests the China stock market with the rational expectation pricing model .

  6. 该结论在很大程度上支持了基于羊群行为的有限理性资产定价模型。

    This conclusion lies in line with the assets pricing model of bounded rationality based on herding behaviors .

  7. 没有发达的短期国债市场,金融产品的定价就失去了衡量标准,而非理性的定价很容易产生价格扭曲。

    Without a developed short-term bond market , we can 't find a criteria for the pricing of financial products , price distortions will be caused by irrational pricing .

  8. 本文在纵向差异化产品市场模型的基础上,针对企业决策者的公平偏好不完全理性心理进行定价模型研究。

    We study the pricing models with considering company decision makers are fairness preferences , incompletely rational psychology .

  9. 分析师们当时表示,一场确立先例的违约将迫使投资者更仔细地评估借款人,导致理性的风险定价,最终改善资本配置。

    A precedent-setting default would force investors to evaluate borrowers more carefully , resulting in rational risk pricing and , ultimately , improved capital allocation , they said at the time .

  10. 金融市场非理性下的资产定价模型及投资策略

    The Asset pricing Model and Investment Tactics under the Non rational Finace Market

  11. 基于有限理性的股票灰色定价与股票市场非有效性现象

    Grey Pricing of Stock Based on Bounded Rationality and the Anomalies of Stock Market

  12. 文章首先在第一部分建立了由一个高质量企业和一个低质量企业组成的双寡头市场,得出在完全理性时的最优定价和企业最大利润。

    In the first part of this thesis , we assumed the duopoly market is consisted of a high-quality company and a low-quality company , and figured out optimal pricing and maximum profit under fully rational assumption .