
  1. 琅邪王氏受滨海地域文化之熏习,世代信仰天师道。

    Langye Wang was influenced by the culture of seaside region and had the Tianshi religion faith in generate .

  2. 天师道信仰对琅邪王氏家族文化影响较深,诸如书法、医药和文学等方面都有天师道影响的痕迹。

    The Langye Wang 's clan culture was influenced deeply by the faith , especially in penmanship and medicine study .

  3. 琅邪王氏的核心人物王俭,是宋齐学术文化中值得特别关注和研究的人物,他在当时学术文化的发展进程中扮演了重要的角色。

    Particular attention should be given to Wangjian , who played a significant role in the academic study of Song and Qi in Southern Dynasties .

  4. 为维护家族之门第,琅邪王氏始终坚持门风孝友和练悉朝仪的尚儒传统,这也是王氏始终蝉联不断、簪缨不替的根本所在。

    In order to maintain family status of the family , the Wang always persisted upholding the Confucian tradition . It also was the basic reason that the Wang could continues without interruption .

  5. 琅邪王氏还是天师道世家,至少在西汉王吉时即与道教信仰存在联系。

    The Wang was also a generational family that believed in Tian-shi Taoism . The family related with the Taoism in the period of Wang Ji in the West Han Dynasty at least .