
zhū yù
  • pearls and jades;gems;jewelry;beautifully written verse, etc.
珠玉 [zhū yù]
  • (1) [pearls and jades;jewelry;gems]∶珠和玉;泛指珠宝

  • (2) [witty remark;beautifully written verses or articles]∶比喻妙语或美好的诗文

  • (3) [a handsome and refined person;a person of outstanding talent;a person of outstanding or great ability]∶比喻丰姿俊秀的人;亦喻俊杰,英才

  1. 结果是,你喜欢置身于“珠玉”当中,而它们总是人们视为糟粕无从发现的。

    Consequently , you like to surround yourself with little " gems ," which you discover wherever they are overlooked by others .

  2. V是美德,美德是价值连城的珠玉。

    V is virtue , virtue is a jewel of great price .

  3. 刘玉英眼珠一转,很妖媚地笑了。V是美德,美德是价值连城的珠玉。

    She rolled her eyes at him and smiled seductively . V is virtue , virtue is a jewel of great price .

  4. 用大量珠玉贿赂他,赠送美女讨好他。

    Present him generous gifts of pearls and jade , ply him with beautiful women .

  5. 当我用我的魔杖点触她的时候,她就会醒过来,而当她微笑时,珠玉将会从她唇边落下来。

    She will wake when I touch her with my magic wand , and jewels will fall from her lips when she smiles .

  6. 博博在海布里的时代,是让所有阿森纳球迷都会当作最宝贵的珠玉重璧珍藏起来的美妙回忆,如今,种种迹象表明,或许范佩西也能够做到这一点。

    Bergkamp will leave arsenal 's fans with a treasure chest of memories from his time at Highbury and there are already signs that van Persie will do likewise .

  7. 面对黄金的奢华、白银的精致、钻石的璀璨、水晶的剔透、珠玉的温润,没有人会无动于衷。

    Nobody will not be moved when in face of the luxury gold , refined of silver , brightness of diamond , clearness of crystal and tenderness of pearl and jade .

  8. 胡太后在洛阳造永宁寺,内有僧房一千间,都用珠玉锦绣装饰。寺内有九层浮图(塔)。

    The mother of the Emperor Hu , ordered to establish Yongning Temple in Luoyang , which cost numerous money with more than one thousands rooms , decorated with jades and splendid silks and a pagoda of nine layers .

  9. 那晶莹剔透的花瓣犹如一块琥珀,如珠似玉,粉红底下一股淡白色渗了上来。

    Crystal clear that if a piece of amber petals , such as beads , pink under a white light seeped into the table .