
  • 网络Pearlite transformation
  1. 加入Al加速珠光体转变,也使显微组织细化,冲击韧度提高。

    It fines microstructure , and improves impact toughness , the addition of minor-alloying element Al accelerates the pearlite transformation and it also fines microstructure and improves impact toughness .

  2. 发现外加应力对珠光体转变有显著影响。

    It has been found that applied stress has significant influence on pearlite transformation .

  3. 计算工作说明,由计算得到的CCT曲线(珠光体转变开始线)和实测结果吻合良好。

    The main results are as follows : The calculated CCT diagrams are in good agreement with the observed ones .

  4. CRE偏聚使珠光体转变的开始温度降低,从而减小珠光体的片层厚度及层间距,并导致粒状珠光体的形成。

    The C-RE segregation lowers the transformation temperature of pearlite , which lessens the thickness of lamellas and lamellar spacing of pearlite and induces the granular pearlite .

  5. 与TTT曲线相比,CCT高温珠光体转变曲线明显右移,而中温贝氏体转变及低温马氏体转变曲线位置几乎不变。

    Comparing with the TTT curve , the transformation cure of high-temperature perlite in CCT is obviously located in the right , while the locations of transformation curves of the medium-temperature bainite and low-temperature martensite are almost not changed .

  6. 亚临界热处理中,保温时间过长,将导致(Cr,Fe)23C6向M3C原位转变发生,基体组织发生珠光体转变,导致硬度和耐磨性能不同程度降低;

    Long holding time would cause in situ transformation of ( Cr , Fe ) _ ( 23 ) C_6 to M_3C carbides in the process of sub-critical treatment and the matrix transforming to pearlitic structure , Which would cause hardness and abrasion resistance decreasing .

  7. 采用日本Formastor-Digital全自动相变分析仪测定了S5钢的临界点及退火用TTT曲线的珠光体转变部分,并进行了软化退火工艺的试验,从而得出了最佳退火工艺。

    The critical point and the pearlite region of the TTT diagram of S5 steel were determined by means of fully automatic transformation testing instrument ( Formastor-digital ) . The softening annealing technology was studied . The best softening annealing techology is obtained .

  8. 钢中珠光体转变属典型的扩散型共析转变。

    Pearlitic transformation in steel is a typical diffusion eutectoid transition .

  9. 形变还诱发珠光体转变。

    Further more , the austenite deformation will induce the pearlitic transformation .

  10. 结果表明:试验用钢只发生珠光体转变和马氏体转变;

    The results show that the pearlite and martensite transformation occur at different cooling rates ;

  11. 介绍了可用于迭代计算的连续冷却珠光体转变动力学方程及其参数。

    This paper introduces the transition dynamics equations and parameters of continuous cooling pearlite with iterative computation .

  12. 脉冲电场对球墨铸铁第二阶段石墨化中珠光体转变的影响

    Effect of Electric Field of Pulse on Transformation of Perlite in Second Stage Graphitization of Nodular Cast Iron

  13. 本文建立了应力诱导珠光体转变的定量数学模型,修正了相变塑性的计算公式。

    The quantitative mathematical models of stress-induced transformation for pearlite are established and the models for transformation plasticity are modified .

  14. 通过实验研究了脉冲电场对球墨铸铁第二阶段石墨化过程中珠光体转变的的影响。

    Effect of impulse electric field on transformation of perlite in second stage graphitization of spheroidal graphite iron has been studied by experiment .

  15. 研究了在低碳锰铌钢的奥氏体向铁素体和珠光体转变的过程中外加稳恒磁场的晶粒细化作用。

    The effect of stable magnetic field on grain refinement was investigated in the case of low carbon Mn Nb steel transformation from austenite to ferrite and pearlite .

  16. 一般认为,珠光体转变得到铁素体和渗碳体的机械混合物,而且存在领先相。

    It is generally considered that the simple mechanical mixture of ferrite and cementite is gained in the pearlite transformation and there is prevenient phase in this process .

  17. 研究结果表明,晶粒大小,形变温度和形变量对珠光体转变动力学都有影响,从而影响了动态再结晶过程。

    The result of study shows that the size of crystallize , the temperature of deformation and the quantity of deformation all influence on the pearlite transforming kinetics , which also influence on the dynamic re - crystallization process .

  18. 当达到16.67℃/s时,不出现珠光体的转变,奥氏体直接转变为贝氏体,铁素体转变区域进一步增大。

    When achieves 16.67 ℃ / s , does not present the transformation of pearlyte , the austenite transforms directly into the bainite , the ferrite transforms the region to further increase .

  19. 形变改变了未转变奥氏体的分解方式,表现为奥氏体向离异珠光体的加速转变。

    Deformation of austenite alters its decomposition mode to pearlite in an accelerated and divorced ways .

  20. 进而分析了脉冲电场作用下基体中石墨晶核的数量增加,有效地缩短了珠光体分解时碳原子的扩散距离,从而加速了第二阶段石墨化过程中珠光体的转变。

    The result indicated that transformation of perlite was accelerated and the quantities of ferrolites was increased under the function of impulse electric field at second stage graphitization .

  21. 热变形细化珠光体组织并使珠光体组织退化;变形奥氏体中的未溶碳化物可以促进珠光体组织形核,加速珠光体转变。

    The remaining carbide in deformed austenite can promote the nucleation of pearlite , and accelerate pearlite transformation .