
  • 网络Gongxian County;Gong County
  1. 珙县悬棺岩画是西南岩画系统的一个重要组成部分。

    The rock-paintings of Gong county is an important part of the system of rock paintings in China .

  2. 第六部分为实证分析,以珙县为例分析基于城乡统筹的珙县物流需求的规模与结构,根据分析结果找出存在的问题,并提出相关的建议。

    This part analyses the size and structure of Gong county logistics demand based on the urban-rural planning , finds out the problems , and puts forward proposals .

  3. 珙县政策性农业保险运行问题分析及对策探讨

    Discussion on Opertion Problems and Countermeasures of Policy Agricultural Insurance in Gongxian

  4. 四川南部珙县早侏罗世一新蜥脚类恐龙

    A new sauropod dinosaur from the early Jurassic in Gongxian county , south Sichuan

  5. 区域崩塌滑坡的易发性评价&以四川省珙县为例

    Areal landslides susceptibility analysis & A case study in Hong County , Sichuan Province

  6. 宜宾市珙县男性煤矿工人高血压流行病学调查

    An Epidemiological Analysis of Hypertension of Coal Miners of Gongxian County , Yibin City

  7. 四川珙县巡场下二叠统栖霞组鹦鹉螺一新属

    A new genus of coiled Nautiloid fossil from Lower Permian Qixia Formation of Sichuan Province

  8. 四川省珙县地质灾害特征及其防治措施分析

    Analysis on Characteristics and Prevention Measures of Geologic Hazards in Gongxian County of Sichuan Province

  9. 从1986年起至1992年在我省珙县和纳溪进行了杉木人工林施肥试验。

    From 1986 to 1992 , fertilization trials on plantations of Chinese fir were carried out in Sichuan .

  10. 第五部分:通过对珙县岩画中的铜鼓、犬和巫师图像的分析,结合文物资料、文献资料,运用考古学的知识,揭示其具有的文化内涵,从而深入理解僰人的原始宗教崇拜。

    Part five Analyzing the images of the copper-drum , dog and necromancer , and deeply understanding the original faith and worship of the Bo people .
