
  1. 论十八世纪纹章瓷纹章装饰对珐琅彩瓷的影响

    Influence of 18th century armorial porcelain decoration on enamel ceramics

  2. 珐琅彩瓷秉承了历史上中国陶瓷发展的各种优点,从拉胚、成型、画工、用料、施釉、色彩、烧制的技术上是最精湛的。

    Colored enamel porcelain inherited in the history of Chinese ceramics in the development of a variety of advantages , from the embryo , forming , drawing , material , glazing , color , firing technology is the most consummate .

  3. 清朝宫廷御制瓷胎画珐琅作为彩瓷皇后,在世界制瓷史上有着至尊的地位,也是世界瓷器收藏界代表中国的一张名片。

    The qing court drive makes porcelain body painted enamel as queen " color porcelain ", porcelain making history has supreme status in the world , is also a business card to the world on behalf of the Chinese porcelain collectors .
