- 名Perlite;pearlite

Analysis on the contributing factors of the glaze cracks in sintering expanded pearlite glazed tile
Hydrothermal Synthesis of 4A Molecular Sieve with Pearlite Tailings
The filling properties of the modified one are outstanding , which has been confirmed by the application experiment .
Photocatalytic Degradation of Oil Film Floating on Water by TiO_2 Immobilized on Expanded Perlite
Mechanism of Film Formation and Spilled Oil Degradation on Buoyant TiO_2 / Expanded Perlite Photocatalyst
Anatase TiO2 were prepared and loaded successfully to EP ; TiO2 or surfactant may enter into the space of expanded perlite .
JSF Round-hole Pearlite Partition Plank
The comparison of the properties of EPS insulating mortar with that of expanded pearlite insulating mortar was made .
Application of spherical expansion perlite with closed pore in GRC board
Study on the synthesizing 4A molecular sieve with pearlite tailing by wet process alkali dissolution
The results indicated that B treatment , which was made of slag , corn straw and pearl precipice in the light of volume ratio of 6:3:1 , was the best compared with the soil culture .
This paper introduces the preparation of floating TiO 2 photocatalyst attached to the inflating pearlite surface by sol_gel technique using tetrabutyl titanate as material .
The TiO_2 / EP photocatalyst was prepared and applied to the degradation of methylene blue and degradation of organism in wasted water .
The best treatment on the vermiculite and the perlite was with 40 % of water content in solid medium , 18 ℃ to 22 ℃ and 3 days priming , the germination rate improved significantly .
The application of spherical expansion perlite with closed pore in GRC board was introduced in this paper .
Taking perlite as the potted medium , seedling growth and its morphological characteristics were studied when N , P , K , Ca , Mg , Fe and other trace elements were lacking in a nutrition liquid .
This article recommends JSF round hole pearlite partition plank 's manufacture process , its scope of use , its specifications , technical property , installation-construction and economic benefit analysis .
The expanded perlite and paste material form interpenetrating network dense structure , however , EPS particle surface is incompatible with the paste , which will course to form a weak bonding interface .
Wollastonite , muscovite and pearlite had special crystal and morphological structure , which were surface modified first and then used as fillers for LDPE to prepare LDPE / minerals composites .
The dynamic buffering property of the expanded perlite cushion developed by the author was tested , researched and contrasted with that of EPE and EPS .
Effect of LiOH on alkali-aggregate reaction expansion of zeolitization perlite-cement mortars during long_term curing at 20 ℃ was investigated .
EPS ( polystyrene foam ) insulation mortar is composed of particulate bubble , expanded perlite , cement , fly ash , cement , admixture , fibre and other raw materials at a certain ratio .
As shown in the photomicrographs of figs2a and2b , the expanded perlite of this invention is rounded or spherical and smooth on its surface , and is of fairly uniform size .
The proportion of 6V : 1V : 3V or 60 % peat was good for seedling quality .
The best culture results could be achieved with the direction of perlite and humus soil with a ratio of 3:2 . Its ' bulk specific gravity of the substrate is 0.34 g / cm3 , accounts for only 30 % of soil , and pH-value 5.98 .
Took the citric acid residue stir-fried at 155 ℃ for 2h as main raw materials , added with proper amount of cement , fly ash , slag and expanded perlite to prepare composite blocks .
Effects of LiOH in inhibiting alkali-aggregate reaction of two practical alkali-reactive aggregates ( Beijing Aggregate and zeolitization and perlite ) are systematically investigated .
The cultivation result of the konjac showed that : It could harvest 2-20g seed-tuber by planting the Konjac 's tube-plant with the soil , vermiculite - perlite and nutrition-liquid respectively ;
It was desirable for tobacco seedlings to grow in the matrix of 65 % decomposed bagasse + 25 % expanded perlite + 10 % coal silt .
It was indicated that the expanded perlite cushion has the same static buffering rule by contrast with EPE , and creep is little .