
  • 网络Glass Slippers;Cinderella;glass shoes
  1. 灰姑娘跑呀跑的,掉了一只玻璃鞋。

    Cinderella runs and loses one of her glass shoes .

  2. 全透明的玻璃鞋,这就是传说中灰姑娘的水晶鞋啊!

    Martin Margiela has gone all transparent with these glass slippers that look straight from the Cinderella fairy tale .

  3. 丑陋的继姐妹试着挤进玻璃鞋,但是不管她们多么努力

    The ugly stepsisters tried to squeeze the slipper on but no

  4. 谁捡走了我的玻璃鞋,寻找遗掉的玻璃鞋。

    I am looking for the missing glass-shoes who has picked it up .

  5. 我并不期盼他会有玻璃鞋和白马。

    He doesn 't have to bring crystal shoes and ride a horse white .

  6. 灰姑娘的玻璃鞋,有谁找到。

    Cinderella 's glass , who found .

  7. 最后来到灰姑娘的家中,继母的女儿们当然也不能穿上那双玻璃鞋,正当国王的大臣要离开时,灰姑娘出现在楼梯上,她要求试一试鞋。

    When the officials were going to leave , Cinderella appeared and asked to have a try .

  8. “就是讲一个王子找不到那个穿玻璃鞋的姑娘。”

    " About the prince who couldn 't find the lady who wore the glass slipper . "

  9. 但是现在,你该拿出玻璃鞋看看合不合适。

    But now , you 're supposed to produce the glass slipper and see if it fits .

  10. 草帽是获得王子的新玻璃鞋,伯克开玩笑说。

    The straw hat is the new glass slipper when it comes to getting a prince , Burke joked .

  11. 来自童话故事灰姑娘谁要是能穿上玻璃鞋就能成为公主。

    From the children 's story Cinderella where the woman 's foot which fit in the glass slipper became a princess .

  12. 我想知道,我的玻璃鞋在哪里?我的王子在哪?虽然我不是公主。

    I want to know , where are my glass slippers ? Where is my prince ? Although I 'm not a princess .

  13. 陛下,别做无用功了,那个女士已经不见了,留下的只有这只玻璃鞋。

    Duke : your majesty , I see no point in beating about the bush , the young lady disappeared , leaving behind only this glass slipper .

  14. 为什么我始终找不到另一只玻璃鞋,是否像我这样平凡的女孩,都幻想自己就是真正的灰姑娘?

    Why I cannot find the other crystal shoe all the time ? Is it true that all girls as ordinary as me , imagine themselves as real Cinderellas ?

  15. 套套是我们这代的玻璃鞋,遇到陌生人时就得戴上一个,跳整晚舞之后,就把东西丢掉。

    TT is the glass slipper for our generation , you slip one on when you meet a stranger , you dance all night , and then you throw it away .

  16. 在肖娜的《灰姑娘》中,这位饱受欺压的年轻乡下姑娘在急着赶在时钟敲响十二下前离开白马王子时,被自己的魔法玻璃鞋刺穿了脸颊。

    A graphic re-telling of the Cinderella story sees the young , downtrodden peasant girl trip in her efforts to get away from Prince Charming when the clock strikes twelve - impaling her face on her own magical glass slipper 。