
xiàn jīn ɡǔ xī
  • cash dividend
  1. 要建立股市理性投资和长期投资的基础,体现资本市场对公司的价值评估效应,必须重视现金股息收益率对股票收益率的影响。

    In order to establish the basis of rational and long-term investment in the stock market and make the stock market reflect the value of assessment of listed companies , we must attach more importance to the influence of the cash dividend yields on the expected stock returns .

  2. 总部设在美国的Freeport宣布了一拆二的拆股计划,并将向股东额外派发总计4.71亿美元的现金股息。此举表明大型矿业企业的财务状况自2009年以来,已迅速好转。

    In a sign of the rapid financial turnround the big mining companies have enjoyed since 2009 , the US-based Freeport declared a two-for-one stock split and the unloading of $ 471m of excess cash to shareholders .

  3. 收购铁路是一种获得现金股息、与需要煤炭和货运服务的公司建立广泛联系的稳健方式,而不是一种投资于创新的稳健方式。

    Buying a railroad is a sound way to gain cash dividends , and broad exposure to companies that need coal and freight , but not to invest in innovation .

  4. 他们回避所有看似有风险的股票,例如失宠的价值型股票,而急切地追求收益,会购买所有发放现金股息的股票。

    They shun anything that looks risky , such as an out of favour value stock , and are so desperate for yield that they will pay up for anyone offering cold hard cash .

  5. 作为按比例资本收益的一部分,股票持有者将获得现金或股息凭证。

    The cash or scrip would be offered as part of a pro rata return of capital to shareholders .

  6. 同期,尽管企业囤积了更多现金,股息却增长了175%。

    Over the same period , dividends rose 175 per cent even as companies built up hoards of cash .

  7. 当该公司上月帮助重组其所持的赫斯基能源公司(huskyenergy)35%的股份时,它同意未来两年只以股票、而非现金形式获取股息。

    When hutch helped recapitalise 35 per cent owned husky energy last month , it agreed to take dividends in shares rather than cash for the next two years .

  8. 三个显而易见的方案分别是:大量投资新产品(AppleTV、iWatch或者其他产品)、向股东返还现金(通过股息、回购、发布新型优先股等方式)以及招募员工。

    The three obvious buckets are to invest heavily in new products ( the Apple TV or Iwatch or whatever ) , return cash to shareholders ( via dividends , buybacks , new class of preferred shares , etc ) or acquire stuff .

  9. 以股票代替现金派发的股息。

    A dividend paid in stock rather than in cash .

  10. 许多大的铁路公司已经在用他们的周转现金来提高股息和买回股份。

    This comes when big railways are already using their spare cashflow to raise dividends and buy back shares .

  11. 它还宣布,计划在今后两年半内拿出1000亿美元现金,提高股息、加速股票回购计划,以回馈股东。

    It also announced a plan to return $ 100 billion in cash to shareholders over the next two and a half years in the form of higher dividends and an accelerated stock repurchase plan .

  12. 如果收购由必和必拓这样的公司发起该公司6月份的息税后营运现金流是股息及净债务之和的两倍以上,投资者可以容忍一定程度的战略混乱。

    Investors will tolerate a measure of strategic promiscuity if it comes from a company like BHP , where operating cash flows after interest and tax were more than twice the sum of dividends and net debt in June .

  13. 和记港口控股预计将于第一季度上市。据知情人士称,对于港口之类的资本密集型企业,有能力用现金流支付股息意味着投资者能获得更高的总回报。

    People familiar with the proposed listing , expected to be in the first quarter , said that in a business as capital intensive as ports , the ability to pay dividends from cash flow meant a better total return for investors .

  14. 他们已经号召管理者用大量的现金储备来增加股息或者买回股份。

    They have called on managers to use large cash reserves to increase dividends or buy back shares .

  15. 股票股息以额外股份形式,而不是现金形式支付的股息。

    Stock dividend a dividend payment made in the form of additional shares , rather than a cash payout .

  16. 但还有更为基本的预警信号,比如公司财报中资产产生的现金流、预计股息收益以及资产周转率。

    But there are more fundamental warning signs , such as the reported cash flow that a company 's assets throw off , the expected dividend yield and the turnover of the company 's assets .

  17. 中海油强大的现金头寸和去年股息的缩减在油价创纪录的年份,惯常占净收益40%多的股息减少到了36%让一些人担心中国石油三巨头中的小弟将有某种惊人之举。

    Cnooc 's strong cash position and chopped dividend last year down to 36 per cent of net income , from the customary 40-ish , in a year of record oil prices led some to fear that the smallest of China 's big three oil companies was preparing something drastic .