
xiàn jīn shōu rù
  • Cash income;cash receipts;inward cash remittance
  1. 全部现金收入应如数存入银行。

    Require that all cash receipts be deposited in the bank .

  2. 那个流行歌星从演唱会中获得了巨额的现金收入。

    The pop singer got huge cash receipts from his concert .

  3. 一个男子必然具有一定数量的财产(土地或现金收入)才能有选举权。

    A man had to own a certain amount of property , in land or money income , to qualify to vote .

  4. 一旦用户量上升,公司就会推出高级排名服务(premiumlistings)并从某些活动中收取部分费用,以此来获得现金收入。

    Once usership grows , the company plans to monetize through premium listings and by taking a percentage of revenue from certain programs .

  5. 小小收支薄是一个用VB写的程序,用来记录每天现金收入及支出情况,并自动进行每月、每年的结算,使现金使用情况一目了然。

    Balance of payments is a little thin to use VB to write the procedures used to record daily cash income and expenditure , and automatic monthly , annual settlement , so that the use of cash at a glance .

  6. 首先,我们对传统CIT的方法学基本主张与操作模式,做一简要说明。你谅必在商店里见过现金收入记录机,它基本上只能做加法运算。

    First of all , we will roughly describe methodological concept and operation mode for the traditional CIT , and brief illustrate above . In shops you will have seen cash registers which basically can only add .

  7. 根据香港瑞穗证券亚洲(MizuhoSecuritiesAsia)首席经济学家沈建光的说法,由于到去年10月下旬银行间市场利率一直保持在低位,各银行发行存款单,然后将现金收入投资于债市,实现利润丰厚的套利。

    As a consequence of interest rates being kept low in the interbank market until late October , banks issued certificates of deposit and then put the proceeds in the bond market in a lucrative arbitrage , according to Jianguang Shen , chief Asia economist at Mizuho Asia Securities in Hong Kong .

  8. 游戏业务:这是腾讯主要的现金收入来源。

    Gaming business : Most of Tencent 's cash comes from gaming .

  9. 他把贷款打在现金收入机上,并祝我一天愉快。

    He rang up the loan and wished me a fine day .

  10. 现金收入是从总收入中减去总贸易收入来计算的。

    Cash income is calculated by subtracting total trading income from total receipts .

  11. 对于杂项来源的现金收入是否由独立的控制?

    Are cash receipts from miscellaneous sources independently con-trol-led ?

  12. 各地区农村居民家庭平均每人现金收入

    Per Capita Cash Income of Rural Households by Region

  13. 用什么文件来跟踪现金收入?

    What kind of document do you use to trace all cash receipts ?

  14. 星期一的生意不佳,整个上午我们没有动用现金收入记录机。

    Business was badMondays : we didn 't ring up a sale all morning .

  15. 提供正确的现金收入、支出和结余记录。

    Provide accurate accounting for cash receipts , cash disbursements , and cash balances .

  16. 这些数字不包括现金收入。

    These figures exclude cash receipts .

  17. 合营公司所有和现金收入、支出数量;

    All amount of income and payment and payment in cash of the joint venture company ;

  18. 处理柜台交易的现金收入时,在交换时难免会发生一些差错。

    In handling over-the-counter cash receipts , a few errors in making change will inevitably occur .

  19. 席勒教授在他的书里,讲到他已经获得了比过去十年多几倍的现金收入。

    Professor Shiller , in his books , he 's got current multiple of trailing ten-year earnings .

  20. 现金收入系统流程图

    Cash receipts systems flowchart

  21. 由于该公司的收缩,投资者几乎没有从其私人股本投资中获得任何现金收入。

    Because it held back , investors have received almost no cash proceeds from its private equity investments .

  22. 由银行代收的应收票据(贷项通知单)5美元,未记入现金收入日记账中。

    Note receivable of $ 5 collected by bank ( credit memorandum ) was not record in cash receipts journal .

  23. 就现金收入来说,这项工作意思不大,但我能从工作中获得宝贵的经验。

    The work is not very profitable in terms of cash , but I am getting valuable experience from it .

  24. 签发支票人不应管理收入,也不应管基金帐和现金收入帐。

    Those who sign checks should not have access to cash receipts , should not have funds or record cash entries .

  25. 农民进城打工可以获得现金收入,直接支持农业建设和农民生活的改善。

    The cash income of farmer workers is used directly to support agricultural construction and improve the living standards of farmers .

  26. 今年7月,正式员工的现金收入大增2.6%,为17年来最高。

    In July cash earnings for regular employees rose a hefty 2.6 per cent , the fastest increase for 17 years .

  27. 资产证券化作为强市场本位时期重要金融工具,其主要具有表外融资、未来收入抵押和现金收入担保等特征。

    Assets securitirization is the basic essence and main characteristic of those important financial tools in the time of strong market standard .

  28. 投资者也不太可能从京东获得实实在在的现金收入,因为该公司并不准备支付股利。

    Nor are they likely to see any hard cash from the company since it does not propose to pay out dividends .

  29. 除了创造快速的现金收入,这件盛事还将通过启动绿色革命转变这个城市的经济增长模式。

    In addition to generating quick cash , the event will transform the city 's economic growth pattern by initiating a green revolution .

  30. 除了现金收入日记账外,特种日记账还包括现金支出日记账、销售日记账和购货日记账。

    In addition to cash receipts journal , the special journals usually include cash payments journal , sales journal , and purchase journal .