
  • 网络Current documents;current records
  1. 构建网络化的现行文件公开体系

    On the Construction of the Network System of Current Records Opening

  2. 现行文件开放的理论分歧评析

    Comment and Analysis on Difference in Theory of Opening of Current Records

  3. 科学发展观与现行文件利用工作的发展

    Scientific Development Viewpoint and Utilization and Management of Current Documents

  4. 努力做好已公开现行文件的利用工作

    To Do the Utilization Work of Opened Current Documents Well

  5. 现行文件查阅中心的作用与前景

    The Prospect of the Function of Active Records Search Center

  6. 现行文件有中文和英文两个版本。

    The present document has been issued in Chinese and in english .

  7. 走出现行文件利用服务工作的误区

    To Walk out of the Astray in Utilization Service Work of Active Records

  8. 现行文件信息中心建设的调查与思考

    On the Investigation and Thought about the Construction of Current Documents Information Center

  9. 建立市级现行文件资料利用中心的思考

    A Thought about Building the City-Level Utilization Center of Active Records and Data

  10. 论现行文件开放利用服务的实现

    Realization of the Opening & Using of Current Documents

  11. 现行文件的档案属性辨析

    A Discussion on the Archival Attributes of Current Documents

  12. 对现行文件中心热的冷思考

    A Cold Thinking To Current Document Center Craze

  13. 专业系统建立现行文件利用服务中心的必要性

    Analysis of the Necessity of Establishing Utilization and Service Center of Specialized Current Record

  14. 档案馆开展现行文件服务的启示

    Enlightenment from Service of Current Records in Archives

  15. 试论在高校档案室设立现行文件阅览室

    The Importance of Building Reading Room for Documents in Effect in the College Archive

  16. 试论现行文件开放的主体

    On Subject of Current Records Opening

  17. 政务信息公开和现行文件开放是一个世界性的趋势。

    The openness of the government information and the publication of current records is now a trend in the world .

  18. 现行文件利用工作的开展,给档案工作注入新的活力的同时,也在档案界引起激烈的争议。

    While utilization and management of current documents have activated archives management , it has also aroused hot debates in the archive field .

  19. 文件中心是欧美国家普遍采用的半现行文件保管机构,它在文件档案管理上具有优越性。

    Document centre , a file - keeping organization which has been widely adopted in western countries , has its advantage in file and archive management .

  20. 要建立数字化档案馆,就要从档案馆结构、馆藏、现行文件数字化及数据库、档案编目检索统计利用、档案信息发布与实时采集等方面着手进行建设。

    Digitalized archive establishment needs digitalization of archive structure , stock and current files as well as utilization of data base , archive statistics and retrieval .

  21. 在世界范围,文件中心是一种和档案室共存互补的半现行文件管理机构,对文件中心的研究是当前国内档案学的热点问题。

    File centers , as a complement to archives in the current document management system , have become a hot area of investigation in the global context .

  22. 现行文件公开与高校档案馆功能形象之重塑&以《政府信息公开条例》施行为契机

    The Opening of Current Documents and Reshaping Images of College and University Archives ' Functions : Taking the Advantage of Implementing The Act of Government Information Openness

  23. 现行文件的利用和开放是政务信息公开最重要的内容,是我国信息化建设的重要组成部分。

    The utilization and access of current documents are the most important contents of opening our governments information , and they are also a necessary part of information building .

  24. 另一方面,随着科学技术和档案信息化建设的发展,现行文件服务中心开展网络服务成为必然趋势。

    On the other hand , with the development of science technology and the information construction of archives , conducting Internet services in the Archive has become an inevitable trend .

  25. 现行文件中心网络服务方式是对传统方式的重大突破,有着广阔的发展前景。

    The means of services offered in the centers of current record is a great breakthrough compared with the traditional means of services , and they have bright and broad future .

  26. 政府信息公开更加注重对现行文件的开放,并通过主动公开和经申请公开等不同的形式来满足人们的知情权。

    The disclosure of government information requires more attention to be paid to the disclosure of active files , meeting people 's right to know by active disclosure or upon application .

  27. 近几年,现行文件服务中心受到了社会各界的广泛关注,我国各地区基本上都建立了现行文件服务中心。

    In recent years , the service centers of Current Record have been paid more attention by people from all walks of life and they have been established nearly all around China .

  28. 至于政府行政机关现行文件开放的主体地位确立以后,档案局(馆)的现行文件阅览中心是否继续开办,应视情况而定。

    As to whether the current record reading centers in archives ( record office ) continue to exist or not after it has been established , should depend upon the state of affair .

  29. 一方面,档案信息利用的服务方式单一,存在部分档案馆现行文件公开服务工作门庭冷落的尴尬局面。

    On one hand , the service modes for the use of archive information are simplified , and the openness service for current record face the embarrassing situation of being desolated in some archives .

  30. 中国特色的文件中心,不是我国已经建立的文件中心,不是现行文件服务中心,不是联合档案室,而是档案中心。

    The Chinese characterized records centre is neither the one that has been set up n our country , the current document service centre , nor the united archives room , but the archives centre .