- 动budding ;squaring

It seemed that the Put was related to the sexual differentiation of the papaya , and the high Put level might be beneficial to the female differentiation .
In leaves , the change tendency of each hormone ratio was similar to that of nutrient N and K in the squaring stage ;
During the squaring stage , in 2003 , the plant height and stem-diameter of sunflower have been measured .
Different nitrogen application : in 4 nitrogen levels , with mu N application amount increases , squaring stage and after the growth period has the tendency to postpone .
The results showed that female sterile was induced and flower budding and flowering were deferred by R-breaking while these effects were reversed by FR-breaking and female became fertile .
The contents of CP in Legume changed markedly at bud stage . It happened in grasses at early blooming stage .
Sucrase out only in the cotton seedling and budding showed high activity , and with the applied strain increased with increasing concentration , CK ⅰⅱⅲ .
The CAD of alfalfa in early bloom was lower than that in budding stage and mid-bloom . Medium : 25-30d : Early : less than 25d .
Endogenous IAA level was the highest at bud stage and decreased with the maturity of bulb , which in mother bulb was higher than in daughter bulb .
The total nucleic acid ( TNA ) content was similar to the RNA content , but TNA content went down gradually after the emergence of flower stalk .
CPD of Russian wormwood at bud ( 76.13 % ), seedpod ( 67.04 % ) were higher than that in other stages .
Ratio of C / N was 2.5 at seeding stage when ratio of base and supplementary was 6 to 4 , and much higher at budding stage . It got around 0.5 at early flowing and 4 to 5 in leaf at mid - maturing stage .
The result show that the activity of SOD , CAT is promoted , the content of MDA and the speed of O ~ (· - ) _2 production are reduced in seedling , buding and flowering period .
Cumulative trunk budding rate of bidentis from 5 % to 95 % lasted the same as the 20 day .
Endogenous ZR content in daughter bulb was higher from bud stage to half withered stage and decreased evidently after that , which in mother bulb had the different changes between two species lily bulbs .
The basic vegetative periods of different types of cotton germplasm with stigma showing from seedling emergence till budding varied from 16 to 30 days .
The SPAD value of plastic mulching reached to the maximum in prior to the bud stage , straw mulching reached to the maximum value at maturity .
In the seedling stage , bud stage , flowering and boll and boll opening of the four periods of the applied strain is not generally show the soil fungi are lower than CK bacteria ⅰ,ⅱ,ⅲ soil fungi .
The height of plants were limited by water content in the squaring stage , it is feasible soil moisture is ( 55 % ~ 65 % ) θ _ ( fc ) in this during stage .
The differences of leaf meal crude fiber increased significantly with the delay of cutting time ( P0.05 ), after 50 % flowering , the crude fiber content was significantly higher than bud appearing phase and 10 % flowering phase ( P0.01 ) .
It was found that the ZT content of CMS in leaves was much higher than that of maintainer line after bud differentiation , though no difference existed between CMS and its maintainer line before bud differentiation .
The results indicated that endogenous ABA level was the lowest at bud stage , and which increased significantly with the development of bulb and achieved maximum at half withered stage . ABA concentration in daughter bulb was higher than that in mother bulb .
Under conventional application before bud period there was an area of NO_3-N density increasing in 60 ~ 90 cm soil layer from the surface , but the characteristic disappeared after bud period compared with conventional application ;
Compared to the ammonia loss of the continuous cropping plot during its budding stage , that of the rotation plot in the same growth period is 2.1 times higher , while during the blooming stage , the ammonia loss of the latter is 18.0 % less than the former .
Bud stage is the key stage for potato water needs .
The seven new lines budded earlier and had long flowering period .
Ability of tolerance salt is increased during squaring period .
That of the flower buds - 51 % and 14 % ;
Influence of Cotton Aphis at Squaring Stage on Growth and Yield of Cotton in Xinjiang
Effect of Fertilization on the Leaf Area and Specific Leaf Weight of Alfalfa in Budding Period