
  • 网络the reality principle
  1. 一个与弗洛伊德所说的快乐原则有关,另一个与他所说的现实原则有关。

    One is related to what Freud calls the Pleasure Principle , the other to what he calls the Reality Principle .

  2. RME的教学原则主要有:活动原则、现实原则、层次原则、缠绕原则、互动原则和指导原则。

    RME has six teaching principles : activity principle , reality principle , level principle , inter-twinement principle , interaction principle and guidance principle .

  3. 课堂教学改革实践需要实现经济学的现实原则与教育学的理想原则的和谐统一。

    Tf s required to harmonize economic reality and pedagogy s ideal .

  4. 立足现实原则解决了中国企业文化体系重构的立足点问题;

    The principle of basing on realities provides a foothold forthe reconstruction .

  5. 中期探究符号性的象征交换,以此颠覆现实原则;

    Secondly Bandrillard explored the symbolic exchange , which subverts the reality principle ;

  6. 此时自我便协调本我与超我的关系,力图以一种合理化的防御方式既满足本我需求又不违背现实原则。

    At this point the self coordination between ID and superego , strive with a rational defense is satisfying the id need not against the reality principle .

  7. 数学现实原则、数学化原则和再创造原则是弗赖登塔尔数学教学原则的核心。

    The ideas of Virtual life of Math , Mathematization , and Recreation , are the core principals of the Math teaching and learning theory of Freudenthal .

  8. 电影批评的总体规律表现为主客体的对应、历史原则与现实原则的统一以及批评主体的动态结构。

    The general rules of cinematics critique show that the parallelism of subjectivity and objectivity , unification of historical and real principles and dynamic structure of critique subjectivity .

  9. 它为道德实践提供的价值评价标准是惟一的德行理想价值标准。道德实践中的律他现象指律人以理想原则,律己以现实原则。

    Thus , there is only one value standard of merits for moral practice , in which the discipline phenomenon refers to ideal principle for others , while realistic practice for oneself .

  10. 在资本主义后期逐渐的具体化中,浪漫再次被认为是,叙述的异成分,摆脱了现实原则。

    It is in the context of this gradual reification in late capitalism that the romance once again comes to be felt as the place of narrative heterogeneity and freedom from the reality principle .

  11. 课题倡导注重设计师的发现、感受和需求,让设计师更大限度地将意识领域里的形象呈现出来,不受现实原则的干涉。

    Issue advocates designers discovery , feelings and needs , so that to a greater extent the awareness of designers is shown in the area of the image without interference of the reality principle .

  12. 模糊了虚幻和真实的审美,使得人性和欲望的展现过于地赤裸和自私,它颠倒了快乐和现实原则的审美观念,导致人们在个体狂欢中跨越了道德的边界,酒神精神变质了。

    They confuse aesthetic appreciation of virtuality and reality makes humanity and desires completely show its nakedness and selfishness , reverses the pleasure principle the reality principle and eventually leads people to step over the moral boundary in individual revelry .

  13. 素质教育应当提倡整体原则和全面原则的互补、动力原则和主体原则的互动、现实原则和发展原则的互渗。

    The quality education has to advocate and promote the complementariness between the overall principle and the all round principle , the interaction between the motivation principle and the main body principle and the interpenetration between the reality principle and the developmental principle .

  14. 绿色经济学的建立和发展与下列学科有密切关系:马克思主义政治经济学在理论体系方面为绿色经济学指明了方向,西方经济学在微观经济管理和宏观经济调节方面为绿色经济实行市场机制提供了现实原则;

    The establishment and development of green-economics relates closely to following courses : political economics of the Marxism , which points out the direction for theory system of green-economics ; western economics , which provides realistic principles in the aspects of micro-economic management and macro-economic adjustment of green-economy 's market-mechanism ;

  15. 《永别了,武器》遵循了现实主义原则。

    A Farewell to Arms follows a realistic principle .

  16. 它们是整体性原则、根本性原则、现实性原则、目标原则和发展原则。

    They are the principles of wholeness , essentiality , reality , goal and development .

  17. 对政治均衡的评价,政治均衡的艺术是妥协的新现实主义原则。

    Evaluating the political equilibrium , we should conform to the rules of compromise of new realism .

  18. 他们缺乏从敌我实力消长中认清形势的平和心态。当现实与原则想象不符时,他们往往措手不及。

    They lacked placid mentality to recognize the situation and were unprepared for the situation that reality was inconsistent with their imagination .

  19. 然而,新写实小说在试图颠覆传统现实主义原则、借以诠释自身文学主张时所暴露的弊端也是十分明显的。

    However , Neorealism exposed shortcomings are also apparent when it was in an attempt to subvert the traditional realism principles and proclaimed their own interpretation of literary ideas .

  20. 论文以关注现实为原则,其章节遵循发现问题、观察问题、分析问题与解决问题的科学研究的逻辑思路。

    Focusing on the real situation , the structural arrangement of this work follows the following scientific logical order , problem observation , problem analysis , and the solution generation .

  21. 在坚守现实主义原则中负重前行&论茅盾建国后文学批评理论与实践

    Go forward with Heavy Burden Abiding by Realism Principle & On Mao Dun 's Theory and Practice of Literary Criticism after the Founding of the People 's Republic of China

  22. 实践与综合应用的编写原则:现实性原则,问题性原则,综合性原则,开放性原则,主体性与合作性原则,实践性原则。

    The compilation of Practice and Synthesis Application should adhere to the principles , such as the realistic , problematic , comprehensive , open , subjective and cooperative , practical principles .

  23. 丁玲的编辑思想主要表现于三个方面:对于作品追求政治性与艺术性统一,在具体的运作过程中实行大度与宽容的编辑方针,主张以文艺的形式对现实展开原则性批评。

    Ding Ling 's editorial thought mainly comprises three aspects : unity of politics and art , policy of magnanimity and tolerance , and proposition of criticizing the reality with art and literature .

  24. 针对新课程的理念,本文还以具体的实例阐述了如何在命题过程中实现基础性原则、现实性原则和公平性原则。

    According to the concepts of new curriculum , this paper also employs concrete examples to illustrate how to realize fundamental principle , realistic principle and fair principle in the process of creating items .

  25. 第三,构建中国特色社会主义的人格教育体系,必须遵循文化整合原则、创新开放原则、现实超越原则和整体优化原则,建立教育塑造机制、市场塑造机制和文化塑造机制。

    Third , it is necessary to follow the principles of culture conformity , innovation and opening , reality transcendence and integrity optimization so as to build up the molding mechanism by means of education , market and culture .

  26. 因此,在高校资产估价中,应把握好三个原则,即资产的客观性原则、现实性原则、适宜性原则,以确保高校国有资产的价值准确和保值增值。

    Therefore , in the evaluation of fixed assets , the three principles should be held , that is the objectivity , reality and appropriation principle , thus ensure the value of state owned assets accuracy and their guaranteed increments .

  27. 笔者以为目标的确立首先应遵循现实可行性原则、时空性原则、以质取胜原则,在此基础之上,本研究从目标多重性角度,分析了全面性目标、结构性目标和层次性目标。

    The writer believes that it should follow the principles of practical feasibility , quality first and space-time at first , and then this study will be carried on from the view of multi-level to analyze the general , constructive and level targets .

  28. 进而,人类的现实生活原则对自然的和对自己的而首先是人类的社会生活原则就应该基于人的存在本质来设计,服从人的本质。

    Further , the principle of real life by human beings - whether it be to nature or to oneself , it is first of all the principle of social life - should be designed according to the essence of human existence and subject to the human essence .

  29. 世界意识作为一种特殊的概念、意识,在教育过程中需要遵循开放的原则、全球化的原则、学生主体性的原则、关注现实的原则,及国情教育和爱国主义教育相结合的原则。

    World consciousness as a kind of special education concept , consciousness , in the process of the open to follow the principle of globalization , the principle , the principle , the attention of students ' subjective reality principle , and the students education and national patriotic education .

  30. 这实质上也就是现实主义的原则。

    It is , in essence , the principle of realism .