
xiàn chǎnɡ fēn xī
  • Field analysis;analysis of the crime scene, crime scene analysis, on-site analysis
  1. 新冠病毒核酸检测移动实验室可现场分析核酸样本,45分钟内出结果。

    The COVID-19 Mobile Laboratory can analyze nucleic acid samples on the spot , allowing people to obtain results within 45 minutes .

  2. 富民油田CO2混相驱提高采收率现场分析

    Field Testing of Enhanced Oil Recovery by CO_2 Miscible Displacement in Fumin Oilfield

  3. 用CUSDT固相微萃取管提取现场分析物。

    Analyte extraction on-site is accomplished with CUSDT solid phase microextraction ( SPME ) syringe .

  4. 纸机湿部化学现场分析

    Wet End Chemistry Analysis on the Site of Xinjiang Bohu Reed Mill

  5. 大型船用直流电机故障模式现场分析与对策

    The Scene Analysis And The Countermeasures Of The Failure Mode For Large-Scale Marine DC Motor

  6. 关于犯罪现场分析的心理学依据

    Psychology Basis for Analyzing Scene of Crime

  7. 本文介绍了一种用于变推力液体火箭发动机热试车数据现场分析处理的计算机软件。

    This paper introduces the data processing program in the fire test of the throttling rocket engine .

  8. 润滑油现场分析

    On-site Lubricating Oil Analysis

  9. 用壤中游离烃现场分析解释技术直接寻找浅层油气藏

    Shallow oil and gas reservoir exploration in using on-site analysis and interpretation technology of free hydrocarbons in soil

  10. 解析犯罪心理画像技术在侦查讯问中的应用犯罪心理画像的方法&犯罪现场分析法与行为证据分析法之比较

    An Analysis of the Application of Criminal Psychology Portrait Technology in Investigation and Interrogation Methods of Criminal Profiling : CSA and BEA Compared

  11. 该方法具有操作简便,安全性好,分析周期短,仪器体积小便于携带等特点,可用于监督监测、抽查抽测、突发性污染事故、应急监测等的现场分析。

    As this method is simple , safe and rapid , it can be popularly used for supervisory monitoring , emergency monitoring and on-the-spot analysis .

  12. 本分析方法成功地应用于核工厂实物盘点现场分析,测量了4类中低密度含铀、钚的残渣和废物样品,测量结果的不确定度为5%。

    The uncertainty of measurement results for uranium and plutonium content in process residues and wastes is 5 % with 68 3 % of confidence level .

  13. 海底沉积物取芯测量和海水嗅探器现场分析是海域油气藏渗漏烃地球化学检测的主要手段,海水样品的脱气处理是海水介质中渗漏烃地球化学检测的关键环节;

    Seabed coring and seawater sniffing analyses are the major geochemical methods to detect offshore migrating hydrocarbons , while gas stripping and processing are critical in seawater hydrocarbon geochemical detection .

  14. 取得的成果如下:1、大量的地质资料和现场分析表明,双谊乡大坡上滑坡坡体的稳定性不能满足要求,安全储备不够。

    The results obtained are as follows : 1.The analysis results using the geological datum shows that the stability of the landslide slope , and the safety factor cannot satisfy the requirement .

  15. 道格拉斯的犯罪现场分析法和特维的行为证据分析法在美国是应用非常广泛的两种犯罪心理画像方法。

    Crime Scene Analysis and Behavioral Evidence Analysis are two widely used methods of criminal profiling in USA , which are different from basic theories , forming process , construction and practice .

  16. 利用脉冲快热中子分析技术对煤质进行现场分析,在技术上虽然有许多优势,但是由于在数据处理过程中产生的误差较大,测量精度很难达到工业应用的要求。

    Although pulse fast thermal neutron analysis technology has many technical advantages , it is difficult to meet the requirement of precision for industrial application because of the error brought by data processing .

  17. 乙方将进行现场分析以协助甲方估算个别主力店、小型主力店、特色亮点、餐饮和专卖店等等的使用面积、楼层数量,以及暂定位置。

    Party B will carried out site analysis to help the owner work on the estimated sizes and tentative placements of each anchors , mini anchors , attractions , F & B and specialty shops etc.

  18. 为了弄清楚天然气净化废水厌氧降解性及影响因素,本文作者在某天然气净化厂进行了调查,现场分析天然气净化废水的水质状况。

    To study the impact factors of natural gas purification wastewater degradability in the anaerobic , the author investigated a natural gas purification plant , and analyzed the quality of natural gas purification wastewater in site .

  19. 本文综述了炼钢过程在线分析方法的现状和将来的发展趋势。主要介绍下直接分析钢液的方法和现场分析方法。

    The present situation and development of on-line analyst 's for Steelmaking processes are summarized and the methods of in-situ direct analysis for molten steel and the method 's of on-site analysis of sample are mainly described .

  20. 介绍了一种便携式智能型飞机电缆性能检测系统,给出了系统的硬件电路和软件流程,实现了对飞机各机载系统线路故障的现场分析和测试。

    A portable intelligent measuring system for cable of airplane is introduced , the hardware circuit and software flow are given . The field analysis and test for all airborne system line fault of airplane are implemented .

  21. 液压油污染是引发筑养路机械液压系统故障的主要原因,通过对液压油性能及污染程度的现场分析,给出了防止液压油污染的控制标准和措施。

    Hydraulic oil pollution is the main cause of road-making and maintenance machinery hydraulic system failure , the paper analysed the contaminant , find out the main reasons of oil pollution and harmfulness , gave out the control method .

  22. 地层岩性的变化也会反应到钻具的振动变化中,根据钻具的振动变化现场分析钻达地层的岩性是钻井地质分析的一个新的技术手段。

    The changes of formation lithology are also reflected by the vibration change of drilling tools . Analyzing lithology of the formation which is reached by drilling tools according to the vibration change is a new technique of drilling geology analysis .

  23. 此法适用于微量分析,检出限可达0.006μg,适合现场快速分析。

    The test limitation was 0.006 μ g , with high sensitivity and the method was suitable for quick analysis .

  24. 基于Ajax的非现场监管分析系统的设计与实现

    Implementation of Off-site Supervision Analysis System Based on Ajax

  25. 现场取样分析认为废渣液及淋滤污水目前对该地区地下水影响较小,工程在运行10a后仍然具有较好的防渗功能。

    The field sampling analysis indicated that the liquid phase among landfill waste has relatively minor effect on the local underground water quality . The project will still have sound osmotic proof performance after 10 a of operation .

  26. 对《海洋调查规范》中测定海水NO2-N的常规方法进行了优化,达到简化操作过程,缩短分析时间以适应水下现场自动分析的目标。

    The routine method of nitrite determination in seawater in The Marine Survey Norm has been optimized in this paper , which will simplify the operation processes and shorten the analytical time in order to adapt to the demands of auto-determination under water .

  27. 变压器局放在线监测中的现场干扰分析

    Analysis of On-Site Noise in Partial Discharge Monitoring of Power Transformer

  28. 上钉支护工作性能的现场监测分析

    Field monitoring and analysis of the performance of soil-nailing support work

  29. 生阳极车间沥青烟污染物现场测试分析

    Measurement and analysis of pitch fume pollutants in green anode plant

  30. 某写字楼室内空气品质现场测定分析

    Indoor air quality testing and analyzing in an office building