
  • 网络Present Value analysis
  1. 工程经济学的基本方法,包括净现值分析法、寿命周期成本法、收益-成本分析法和其它项目评估方法。

    Basic techniques of engineering economics , including net present value analysis , life-cycle costing , benefit-cost analysis , and other approaches to project evaluation are among the topics covered .

  2. 排污权交易实行后,增加了发电投资的不确定性,传统的净现值分析法已经无法满足投资决策的需要。

    Uncertainties of generation investment increase after the implementation of the emissions trading , and the traditional net present value analysis is no longer able to meet the needs of power generation investment decision-making .

  3. 对净现值分析法认知的几个问题

    Discussions on Net Present Value Analysis Method

  4. 最后,结合实例给出了风险型和不确定型投资项目的净现值分析法。

    Then , the improved NPV ( net present value ) analysis method of investment project is presented with a example .

  5. 首先,从理论上比较了传统的财务评价方法与带有风险度的净现值分析法的差异,然后通过一个案例,从案例的评价过程与结果,探讨两种方法在应用中的利与弊。

    This thesis compares the traditional method with the risk compensation method theoretically , then applies the two methods into the same case . During the process of risk assessment , the thesis discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods .

  6. 本研究采用净现值和两点分析法,建立了通用分析模型系统,对医疗设备项目的成本效益的统一规范的分析进行的有益的尝试。

    This paper uses the NPV and two points method to build a general analysis system for prediction of cost and benefit of a medical equipment project .