
At last I posed five conclusions to the currency equilibrium theory .
The Cipher Ways of Shanxi Draft Bank and the Protection of Modern Money from Counterfeits
Modern money takes the form of paper or , more often , electronic data .
As such , modern monetary policy is based on the theory that inflation is healthy and necessary .
No precedents were available to show us how a modern day currency board system should be structured .
Its main schools include : the London school , the Modern Monetary School , Rational Expectation School and so on .
As a phenomenon of modern currency , inflation has been closely related with the system of operation of modern banks .
In modern monetary economy , the financial factor is exerting an increasingly greater influence on the development of national economy .
Based on modern monetary theory and disequilibrium market principal , the paper analyze China 's money demand and money supply .
Rare , malleable and immune to corrosion , gold made an ideal source of money before the development of modern currency .
Modern motive theory of individual money demand can be introduced to the theory of government demand motive of foreign exchange reserves .
Chapter one introduces the modern quantitative monetary theory and discusses the monetary policy theory and monetary policy effectiveness put forward by the main economic schools .
Although this school of thought shares some similarities with the modern monetarist school it is based on the theory of rational anticipation through the negation of Keynes'equalitarian efficiency .
The theory of exchange rate determination is the foundation of it . There have been many research results in exchange rate determination , including traditional theories and modern monetarist models .
This article holds that , to the year 1937 , Jiangxi local currency has almost finished the transition to nationalization , the modern currency has replaced the traditional currency and has dominated the monetary market .
The cipher way of Shanxi draft bank plays an active role on the development of modern money in four aspects . First of all , the evolution of the selection of paper material and watermark technique .
This essay also proposes that since monetary luxury possesses the property of dissimilation just like currency , the dissimilation of luxury performs a separation between subjective form and objective form which become a major problem of modern luxury life style .
Since 1970s , there have appeared quite a few contemporary models of monetary economy with micro foundation , of which money-in-the-utility function model , cash-in-advance model , overlapping generation model , search model of money and new classical model of money are very popular .
More fundamentally , the European experience – both before and after the introduction of the euro – suggests that assigning an important role to money in monetary policy deliberations and communication has , in practice , helped to serve precisely those principles that modern monetary policy literature holds dear .
On the Value Basis of Current Credit Money and the Floating Exchange Rate Regime
From the point of view of credit creation ism , modern money is credit money .
At the beginning , this paper reviewed the creating process of the modern credit money , analyzed the channel of money supply .
Gold is opposite to modern credit currency . Thus , the fluctuation of gold price is closely related to the status change of US dollar in international currency .
The theory of monetary policy 's credit diffusion holds that information asymmetry and finance accelerator effect are the major causes of inability of credit diffusion mechanism to function and it is all the more prominent in underdeveloped markets like ours .
In order to dispel this bad common practice and break away from this situation that the modern western monetary policy theory unifies the whole world , I write this paper to make it attract a collection of jade by casting a brick and to comfort latecomers specially .
In modern society , the issuance and valuation of currency has been separated from the scope of national sovereignty .
Through building up a modern Keynes ' model on money demand , this paper reanalyzes ' liquidity trap ' .
This paper uses classical theories and methods of modern western economics and monetary finance .
External economic policy should also been taken this aspect , because the monetary occupies an important position in the modern economy .
The first segment explores the function of money system , credit system , stock and exchange system , and financial liberalization and internationalization system in the forming process of financial bubbles .