
  • 网络Naphthene;Naphthenic;cycloalkanes;cycloalkane
  1. 近几年国产沥青采用环烷基原油生产,其技术性能有了质的飞跃,达到了国际品牌水平,东海牌沥青应用于F1赛场就是最好的证明。

    Now technology properties of homemade asphalts with naphthene base crude oil , for example , DONGHAI sign asphalt used in F1 race field , have greatly raised and reached the level of overseas asphalt products with famous trademark .

  2. 改进后的模型将重整物料分为C6、C7和C8~+,每一个碳数的化合物又划分为正构烷烃、异构烷烃、环烷烃和芳烃4个集总,裂化产物C5~-作为一个集总。

    The models lumped reactants into three lumps including C6 , C7 and C8 + . Each carbon number lump was divided into normal-paraffin , iso-paraffin , naphthene and aromatics . Cracking products with less carbon number were taken as one lump C5 ~ - .

  3. 酸碱溶液中pH值计算超高碱值环烷酸镁研制

    PH calculation in acid and alkali liquor the development of the magnesium naphthenate with super-high base number

  4. 环烷酸萃取制备高纯Y2O3工艺的研究

    Extraction of High Purity Y_2O_3 with Naphthenic Acid

  5. 石蜡主要是由正构烷烃组成,还有较少的异构烷烃、环烷烃和芳烃,以及含微量S、N、O的化合物。

    Paraffin consists of n-alkane , short p-alkane , naphthene and aromatic , minimal amount of compounds containing elements S , N , O.

  6. 采用环烷酸&TBP体系对混合稀土中的La进行分离提纯。

    Naphthenic acid & TBP system is used to separate Lanthanum from other rare earth elements .

  7. 其主要杀菌机理是:环烷基咪唑啉季铵盐与DNA结合,引起DNA突变,从而导致细菌死亡。

    The bactericidal mechanism is mainly involved in the combination of NIS with DNA , which causes DNA mutations and finally results in bacterial death .

  8. 萃取有机相的FT-IR研究环烷酸皂萃取稀土体系

    FT-IR Study of Rare Earth Naphthenates in the Extract Phase

  9. 空气-氩气冷却ICP-AES测定环烷酸镍中的镍、铁、镁和钙

    Determination of Elements in Nickel Naphthenate by Air-Argon ICP-AES

  10. ICP-AES测定环烷酸锰、环烷酸钴中锰和钴含量

    Determination of Manganese , Cobalt in Manganese Naphthenate and Cobalt Naphthenate by ICP-AES

  11. 青海湖沉积物支链和环烷烃组分中C(20),C(25)和C(30)高度支链类异戊二烯烯烃

    C_ ( 20 ), C_ ( 25 ) and C_ ( 30 ) Highly Branched Isoprenoid Alkenes in The Branched and Cyclic Hydrocarbon Fractions of Qinghai Lake Sediments

  12. 通过电子轰击(EI)质谱(MS)分析得到的环烷酸。

    The analysis results of naphthenic acids were obtained by the use of MS and EI techniques .

  13. 环烷酸和N,N二(1甲基庚基)乙酰胺的混合体系萃取稀土元素的行为与机理的研究

    A Research in the Behaviour and Mechanism of the Extraction of the Rare Earths by Means of Mixed System of Naphthenic Acid and N N-Di ( 1-methylheptyl ) Acetamide

  14. 本文利用高压DSC对各种燃料烃(正构烷烃、环烷烃、烷基芳烃和双环烃)的安定性进行了研究。

    In this paper , the experimental investigation on the stability of various fuel hydrocarbons was carried out by high pressure DSC .

  15. 以大港油田炼油厂生产的10种环烷油作填充油,国产SBS为基础胶,从工艺条件,油品质量及其对充油SBS性能的影响方面对填充油进行了评选。

    Ten grades of naphthenic oils produced by Dagang Oil refinery were evaluated as extender oil for domestic SBS thermoplastic elastomers .

  16. 在液体石蜡中采用微波技术原位合成了油溶性环烷酸铅(LN)和十二烷基水杨酸铅(LAS)。

    Oil soluble lead naphthenate ( LN ) and lead alkylsalicylate ( LAS ) were in-situ synthesized by microwave assisted-technique in liquid paraffin .

  17. 10B高级环烷型橡胶填充油研究及工业试生产

    Study on premium 10B naphthenic type rubber filling oil and its industrial trial-production

  18. 引入纳米蒙脱土、环烷酸稀土等填充物使MC尼龙强度、尺寸稳定性和耐热性能明显提高;

    By introducing the nano-montmorillonite or rare earth of naphthenic acid etc. , the strength , the stability of size and the heat resistance of MC nylon are obviously reinforced ;

  19. 在高油汽流冲刷下和高温环烷酸腐蚀环境下,碳钢表面形成的FeS膜不具备保护性。

    FeS film is not protective , under the conditions of erosion caused by oil and gas and corrosion produced by naphthenic acid .

  20. 以高纯环烷酸为原料,合成了一系列含咪唑啉环的新型离子液体Ⅰ~Ⅴ,探讨了阳离子咪唑啉基团中N(3)原子上取代基与缓蚀性能的关系。

    A series of new ionic liquids ⅰ & ⅴ with imidazoline ring were synthesized from highly pure naphthenic acids . The relationship between the alkyl connecting with N_ ( 3 ) of imidazoline ring and corrosion inhibition performance was investigated .

  21. 对于相对分子质量近似的烃,烷烃KL值>环烷烃KL值>芳烃KL值;

    For hydrocarbons with , similar relative molecular weight , the KL values of paraffin , naphthene and aromatics decrease in order .

  22. 催化剂的最佳陈化方式为:于50℃将HMPA加入到环烷酸镍(简称Ni)中,使其充分络合,然后加入三异丁基铝(简称Al)。

    The good catalyst preparation method was adding HMPA to nickel naphthenate ( Ni ) and stirring completely , and then adding triisobutlyaluminum ( Al ) at 50 ℃ .

  23. 本工作用WAXD法对以环烷酸稀土盐为主的催化剂合成的丁二烯和异戊二烯共聚物(Ln-PBI)在低温下的结晶行为进行了研究。

    Using WAXD method , the crystalline behaviours of poly ( butadiene-co-isoprene ) ( Ln & PBI ) at low temperature were studied .

  24. RN-10催化剂的加氢饱和反应历程使稠环芳烃转化为多环环烷烃。

    RN-10 catalyst converts aromatics with condensed nuclei into polycyclic naphthenes through hydrosaturation ;

  25. 介绍了减压塔受环烷酸腐蚀的严重程度,探讨了腐蚀机理和应用316L不锈钢抗腐蚀的效果。

    The excessive naphthenic acid corrosion of the vacuum distillation tower was introduced . The corrosion mechanisms was explored and the corrosion-resistance of the 316L stainless steel was studied .

  26. 运用Matlab程序计算了28种苯砜基环烷酸酯类化合物的8种价分子连接性指数,并对这些化合物进行定量结构-色谱保留相关性(QSRR)分析。

    The molecular connectivity index of twenty eight alkyl ( 1-phenylsulfonyl ) cycloalkane carboxylates is calculated with Matlab . The quantitative structure-retention relationship ( QSRR ) studies have been performed .

  27. 耐环烷酸腐蚀SF-5T阀门密封面材料

    Naphthenic Acid Resistant SF-5T Seal Surface Material for Valves

  28. 某些环烷油甚至归入了MES类,在橡胶工业制品部门,对产品选择的自由度更大一些,可能还未能充分利用环烷油的优点。

    Some naphthenic oils are even classified as MES . In the industrial rubber segment , where the freedom in product choice is greater , the full utilization of the naphthenic advantages may be had .

  29. 研究了液体环烷酸稀土稳定剂的应用性能,通过比较试验说明复合的液体环烷酸稀土稳定剂对PVC的热稳定性和抗冲击、拉伸性能与液体CaZn稳定剂相当。

    The application property of liquid naphthenic acid rare earth stabilizer is studied . For PVC , complex liquid naphthenic acid rare earth stabilizer is equal to liquid Ca Zn stabilizer in thermal stability , impact resistance and tensile properties through comparative tests .

  30. 蒸馏装置应用SF-5T合金作阀门的密封面材料抵抗环烷酸腐蚀

    Applying SF-5T alloy as valve sealing material TO-RESIST naphthenic acid corrosion in distillation unit