
huán shān
  • be surrounded by mountains;around a mountain
环山 [huán shān]
  • (1) [around mountains]∶环绕着山

  • 环山公路

  • (2) [surrounded by mountains]∶被山围着

  • 村子三面环山,村北是一片平地

  1. 年青的时候就有一种梦想:有一天我会在一个四面环山,溪水潺潺的幽静处过着与世隔绝的田园生活。

    When girls have a dream : that one day I will be surrounded by mountains in one , the quiet stream gurgling Department of the pastoral life lived in isolation .

  2. 村子四面环山。

    The village is hemmed in on all sides by mountains .

  3. 这村子四周环山。

    The village is shut in big hills .

  4. 这村子四面环山。

    The village is surrounded ( or hemmed in ) by mountains .

  5. 三面环山。

    It 's surrounded on three sides by mountains .

  6. 配有游泳池与室外热水浴池的海滨别墅ScrubbyBay三面环山、一面朝海,是远离尘嚣的休闲之地,最适合多达14人的团队在此聚会。

    Surrounded by hills and facing the sea , Scrubby Bay is a relaxed and secluded beach house , ideal for gatherings of up to 14 , complete with swimming pool and outdoor hot tub .

  7. 在一个三面环山的山谷里,很隐秘

    Secluded , in a valley , hills on three sides .

  8. 夏洛克。福尔摩斯和沃特森医生去一片环山的地区露营。

    Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson camping in a mountainous area .

  9. 这座城堡四周环山,风景如画。

    The castle stands in a picturesque setting surrounded by hills .

  10. 秦岭北麓环山带生态环境保护问题研究

    On ecological environment protection of the northern foot of the Qinling Mountain

  11. 昆明市位于低纬度高原地区,东、西和北三面环山,南面为滇池。

    Kunming City locates in plateau and lower latitude region .

  12. 以前有个小村落,四面环山。

    Once there was a little village with many mountains around it .

  13. 这村三面环山。

    The village is surrounded on three sides by mountain .

  14. 北京三面环山,完全依靠外部的风驱散污染。

    Surrounded by mountains on three sides , Beijing depends on strong winds to disperse pollution .

  15. 秦岭北麓环山带地区如何在经济发展过程中兼顾生态环境保护是一个重大课题。

    The author researches how the ecology protection will be taken account of while the economy develops .

  16. 平溪区的地形提供天然屏障,四面环山导致天灯不太可能飞越,而是落在平溪范围内。

    A2 : Given that Pingsi is surrounded by mountains , lanterns are unlikely to drift outside Pingsi .

  17. 我的幼年是在重庆的一个长满了郁郁葱葱的竹子、四面环山的小村庄度过的。

    My childhood was full of Chongqing , a lush bamboo , a small village surrounded by mountains spent .

  18. 此外,北京四周环山,不利于污染物的扩散,并且北京遭遇严重的沙尘暴袭击。

    In addition , Beijing is surrounded by mountains that prevent pollutants from dispersing and is subject to severe sandstorms .

  19. 由于白色城堡耸立在高高的山上,其四面环山和湖泊。

    Because white castle towers aloft to go up in high hill , its all around annulus hill and laky .

  20. 境内地势由西向东倾斜,北、西、南三面环山,中部为盆地。

    Territory lying tilted from west to east , north , west and south is surrounded by mountains , the central basin .

  21. 吉林市四面环山,三面临水,自然景色非常秀美。

    Jilin is surrounded by mountains on four sides and three of it faces water , and the natural landscape is very beautiful .

  22. 对西安107环山公路的景观进行总体规划和设计,提出了公路景观规划和设计的一般程序。

    The overall highway landscape plan and design procedures are put forward based on the practice of landscape design for Xi'an No. 107 highway .

  23. 塔里木河流域三面环山,使得该地区水汽输送十分复杂,其机理也一直是个悬而未决的问题。

    Been surrounded by mountains , the water vapor transportation to this region is complicated and the the transportation mechanism also has been a pending issue .

  24. 它三面环山,一现峡谷月面环形山国家保护区

    " It 's surrounded by the mountains on three sides , and by the canyon on the other side " Craters of the Moon National Monument

  25. 南阳简称宛,因为三面环山,南阳居于正中,形成一个南阳盆地,状如大碗,故而得名。

    Nanyang short Wan , because three mountains , Nanyang living in the center , forming a Nanyang Basin , fish bowl , named for the club .

  26. 太阳湾周围的环山使海湾与周围渔村及旅游区相对隔离,是一块不可多得的世外桃源。

    The mountains surrounding Sunny Bay are opposite to the fishing villages and the tourist districts nearby , so it is a rarely valuable haven of peace .

  27. 松崖村四面环山,一条长渠穿村而过,村内的大巷小弄全用青石板铺砌,平坦得没有一个台阶。

    Loose cliff village is surrounded by mountains , a canal in the village , the village with green China small lane , not a flat after steps .

  28. 基隆港三面环山,一面临海,是台湾三大国际港之一。

    Keelung Harbor , one of the three largest international harbors in Taiwan , is surrounded on three sides by mountains and faces the open sea on the fourth side .

  29. 因西部水环山拱,林木茂密,成为吴国贵族们的狩猎场地。

    Because that the west land was surrounded by rivers , secured by mountains and prosperous of forest , it became as the hunt site for aristocrat of Country Wu .

  30. 县境四周环山,境内地形多样,中南部为低山丘陵区,东部、北部山多谷深,西部为山间盆地。

    County surrounded by mountains , the territory of diverse terrain , for the south-central hilly areas in the eastern and northern mountainous deep valley , the mountains to the west basin .