
huán jìnɡ yǐnɡ xiǎnɡ
  • environmental impact
  1. 最后一个规定“重大的环境影响”,分析起来是比较困难的

    The final requirement , 'significant environmental impact " , is analytically more difficult .

  2. 基于GIS的营口港总体规划生态环境影响分析

    Ecological and Environmental Impact Assessment for Yingkou Harbor Master Plan Based on GIS

  3. GIS支持的土地利用变化及其环境影响评价研究

    The Study of Land Use Change and Its Environmental Effects Assessment Support by GIS

  4. 窑灰是水泥生产过程中除CO2之外对环境影响最大的副产品。

    Cement kiln dust ( CKD ) is produced in the cement manufacturing processes .

  5. 绿色GDP与环境影响评价

    Green GDP and Environmental Impact Assessment

  6. 传统环境影响评价(EIA)有很大的局限性。

    Traditional environmental impact assessment ( EIA ) has great limitations .

  7. 利用基于地理信息系统(GIS)的图形叠置法,研究适合我国国情的铁路选线环境影响评价体系。

    A study is made on a China-catering assessment system for the environmental impact in railway route selection using the graphic overlay based on the geographic information system ( GIS ) .

  8. 战略环境影响评价(SEIA)是目前环境影响评价(EIA)领域中的前沿课题。

    SEIA is a frontier subject in the field of EIA .

  9. 将运筹学中部分排序的概念引入对污染物的环境影响比较评价中,以环境中常见的10种残留农药为应用实例,用Hasse图表示出比较评价的结果。

    The concept of " partial order " was introduced for application to environmentally comparative assessment procedure . The impacts of ten pesticide residues in the environment , as example , were comparatively assessed and a Hasse diagram showed the result of such comparative assessment was obtained .

  10. 城市生活垃圾填理场及压缩站的环境影响探讨

    Municipal Domestic Rubbish Landfill Site and Compressed Station Environmental Impact Approach

  11. 常德市肖伍铺垃圾场对水环境影响分析

    Analysis of Garbage Burying - ground 's Environmental Effect on Water

  12. 工业区群环境影响评价初探

    Pilot Study on Environmental Impact Assessment of Groups of Industrial Areas

  13. 长春轻轨交通噪声环境影响评价

    Environmental Impact Assessment of Noise Produced by Changchun Light Rail Transportation

  14. 化学融雪剂的环境影响探讨研究

    Investigation and Study on Effect of Chemical Deicing Salt for Environment

  15. 现行四氯乙烯职业卫生标准的环境影响评价

    Environmental impact assessment on present occupational health standard of tetrachloroethylene

  16. 铀尾矿对地下水的环境影响研究

    Study on environmental impact of uranium mill tailings on Groundwater

  17. 环境影响经济评价及其价值评估法在电厂建设中的应用研究

    Study of Environment Impact Economic Assessment and Its Value Evaluation Method on

  18. 化工过程综合中的环境影响量化评价研究

    Study on Quantitative Environmental Impact Assessment in Chemical Process Synthesis

  19. 石油石化行业环境影响评价技术储备

    Reserve of Technique for Environmental Impact Assessment in Petroleum and Petrochemical Industry

  20. 煤矸石淋溶水环境影响的分析研究

    Research of influence of leaching water of gangue on environments

  21. 煤矸石填充煤矿采空区的环境影响试验研究

    Experiment study of environmental impact during underground filling the goaf with gangues

  22. 大型泵站更新改造环境影响评价

    Large Pump Station Update and Rebuild Environment Influence Evaluation

  23. 我知,但我还要写环境影响报告。

    I know , but I have to write an environmental impact report .

  24. 长波远程导航台电磁辐射环境影响研究

    A Study on Long-wave Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Around A Long Range Navigation Station

  25. 新疆沙尘暴环境影响监测网络体系建设探讨

    Study on Dust Storm Monitoring Network System of Xinjiang

  26. 滇池现代沉积物中磷的地球化学及其对环境影响

    Geochemistry and Influence to Environment of Phosphorus in Modern Sediment in Dianchi Lake

  27. 环境影响评价类型的发展

    The Development of the Type of Environmental Impact Assessment

  28. 微环境影响神经干细胞分化的研究进展

    The Progress about Influence of Niche on the Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells

  29. 黄土高原水土保持项目环境影响评价

    Evaluation of Environmental Effects of the World Bank Loan Loess Plateau Rehabilitation Project

  30. 制浆漂白废水的环境影响及控制

    Environmental impact of pulp bleaching effluents and its control