
  • 网络Malygos
  1. 在5分钟内击败玛里苟斯(普通难度)。

    Defeat Malygos in5 minutes or less on Normal Difficulty .

  2. 既然玛里苟斯已经死了,会有新的魔法监护者(比如卡雷苟斯);

    Medievaldragon : Now that Malygos is dead , will there be a new Aspect of Magic ( such as Kalecgos );

  3. 他们的职责类似于监管凡人对魔法的使用,所以在某种程度上他想做玛里苟斯希望他做的事情。

    Their function is to kind of police mortals'use of magic , so to some degree he wants to do what Malygos wants him to do .