
  1. Rhinorex的意思是“鼻子之王”,而崖埋鼻王龙这种生物一定不会让你失望。

    Rhinorex means something like " King of the Noses " and Rhinorex condrupus doesn 't disappoint .

  2. 王龙坐在那里抽烟,想着刚刚还在桌子上的那块银元。

    Wang Lung sat smoking , thinking of the silver as it had lain upon the table .

  3. 围绕着王龙与土地的关系,赛珍珠揭示了农民的生命源于土地这一永恒主题。

    Focusing on the relationships between Wang Long and the land , she shows that farmers thrive on land .

  4. 崖埋鼻王龙是鸭嘴龙家族的一份子,这个家族的成员头上都有突出的峰骨。

    Rhinorex condrupus is part of the hadrosaur family , consisting of dinos with prominent bony crests atop their heads .

  5. 以王龙、王虎、王源为主人公所构成的“大地三部曲”,使人联想到人们概括过的人生的三个阶段或三个境界:骆驼、狮子和婴儿。

    The Trilogy , with Wang Long , Wang Hu and Wang Yuan as the heroes , reminds us of the three stages or three states of human life : camel , lion and infant .

  6. “华丽羽王龙”生存在大约距今一亿两千五百万年的白垩纪早期,成年时体长约9米,重达约1.4吨,比此前已知最大的带羽毛恐龙“意外北票龙”要大40倍。

    The Yutyrannus is believed to have lived during the Early Cretaceous period around 125 million years ago . The researchers estimate that an adult Yutyrannus would have been about 9 meters long and weighed about 1400 kilograms .

  7. 科学家在辽西发现了一种新的暴龙类恐龙——华丽羽王龙,是迄今发现的体型最大的带羽毛恐龙。这批化石标本发现于朝阳市北票上园镇四合屯村,至少包括3个相当完整的个体。

    Fossils previously discovered in the province have indicated that some small dinosaurs had bird-like feathers , whereas three fossil specimens of the new tyrannosauroid from the same region show that at least one much larger dinosaur had a feathery coat as well .