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  1. 祝王镇成功!

    I wish Wangzhen success !

  2. 他倚着胸墙,俯瞰水面和正在驶出国王镇[15]港口的邮轮。

    Leaning on it he looked down on the water and on the mailboat clearing the harbour mouth of Kingstown .

  3. 一位美丽嘅天使成为了我博客的好友,他就是中国大陆最美的美少年&王镇。

    A beautiful angel as my blog friend , he is the most beautiful and young men in China & Wangzhen .

  4. 王镇(图右)以1小时19分29秒的成绩获得银牌。

    Men 's 20 km race walk - Silver medal Wang Zhen ( right ) crossed the line in a time of one hour , 19 min and 29 sec to win the silver medal .

  5. 伦敦奥运冠军陈定和伦敦铜牌得主王镇将争夺男子20公里赛的冠军,而世界纪录保持者刘红担负着中国女子的希望。

    London Olympic champion Chen Ding and London bronze medallist Wang Zhen will vie for the men 's 20km race title , while world record holder Liu Hong shoulders the hopes for the women 's side .

  6. 我很少听大陆的歌曲,但我特意听了他唱的歌,最喜欢的一首是《我们都一样》。这首歌唱出了王镇这孩子青春少年的美丽。

    I rarely listen to the mainland of the songs , but I deliberately listened to his songs and favorite song ( we are the same ) to sing the song the boy Wangzhen 's beautiful young adolescents .