
  1. 王辉耀称,中国留学生近年来也对国际关系学科越来越感兴趣。

    Wang said a similar interest was also found among Chinese students who went out to study as international students .

  2. 该报告的编著者王辉耀表示,大部分学生都是独生子女,往往依赖于父母。

    According to Wang Huiyao , the report 's author , most students are only children and tend to depend on their parents .

  3. 中国与全球化智库的主任王辉耀称,商科专业的降温与中国的经济形势有关。

    Wang Huiyao , director of CCG , said the cooling down of business as a major is related to the economic situation in China .

  4. 中国与全球化研究中心(位于北京)主任王辉耀认为,中国应该学习印度的吸引年轻人的方法。

    China could learn from India 's approach , said Wang Huiyao , who is also director-general of the Centre for China and Globalisation in Beijing .

  5. 在海外人才会上科学家们呼吁国家提高年轻科研人员的待遇,欧美同学会副会长王辉耀向SciDev.Net表示。

    But scientists at the workshop appealed to the Chinese government to improve the treatment of young scientists , according to the vice chairman of the WRSA , Wang Huiyao .

  6. “中国有越来越多的职位需要具备国际教育背景的人才,”王辉耀表示,“这样中国才能应对越来越全球化、越来越复杂的世界。”

    " More and more positions in China need skilled people with international training and background , " said Mr Wang , " * So China can cope with an increasingly globalised and complicated world . "