
  1. 我希望王皓获得第一名。

    I hope Wang Hao will get number one .

  2. 张继科在乒乓球男子单打决赛中以4-1的比分击败队友王皓夺冠。

    Zhang Jike beat compatriot Wang Hao 4-1 in an all-Chinese men 's singles table tennis final .

  3. 韩国选手柳承敏在男子单打决赛中击败了中国选手王皓。

    South Korean Ryu Seung Min beat China 's Wang Hao in the men 's singles final .

  4. 马琳与王皓反手拉结合正手拉步法运用特点分析

    A comparative analysis of footwork of Ma Lin and Wang Hao in combining backhand lifting and forehand lifting

  5. 王皓反手位第一板防守技术与特点研究手动阀定位机构手动阀反馈装置

    Study on the Technology and Characteristic of First Hand Defend at Backhand Location of Wang Hao manual valve positioner

  6. 现年24岁的张继科以18-1611-511-610-1213-11的五局比分击败王皓。王皓已经连续三届奥运会获得乒乓球男子单打的亚军。

    The 24-year-old won 18-16 11-5 11-6 10-12 13-11 as Wang suffered a third successive defeat in an Olympic final .

  7. 男子22岁以下突出的领衔代表有马林、王皓等;

    The outstanding players heading the list of the male players of 22 years old were Ma Lin , Wang Hao etc.

  8. 中国选手马琳战胜队友王皓,夺得奥运会乒乓球男单的金牌。

    China 's Ma Lin has outlasted teammate Wang Hao to win the men 's singles gold in Olympic table tennis .

  9. 马龙和张继科率先赢下两场单打比赛,随后张继科和王皓一起赢下一场双打。

    Ma Long and Zhang Jike won their individual ties before the latter and Wang Hao earned victory in the doubles .

  10. 自从四年前在男单决赛中输给了韩国的柳承敏后,王皓一直承受着巨大压力。

    Wang Hao suffered a meltdown in the championship final against South Korean Ryu Seung-min in the men 's singles four years ago .

  11. 谁料,本该在乒超中意气风发的王皓却让“醉酒事件”成为了人们茶余饭后的谈资。

    Unexpectedly , this should actually enable " the alcoholic intoxication event " in pingpong ultra high-spirited Wang Hao to become the people spare time subject .

  12. 王皓说,因为缺乏相关的法律法规,很难将非法集资与大众集资区分开来。

    ' One can hardly draw a line between illegal fund-raising and crowd-funding now due to the absence of related regulation , ' Mr. Wang said .

  13. 王皓说,大多数中国人在消费心理上更倾向于思考如何省钱,而不是花钱支持别人。

    ' The general consumption mentality of Chinese people is more about how to save money instead of giving money to support others , ' Mr. Wang said .

  14. 庄智渊在前三板的速度优势被抑制,王皓在发接发环节做得十分到位,抢攻上手完全取得主动。

    Zhuang Zhiyuan is suppressed before sampan 's speed advantage , Wang Hao is sending meets sends the link to do arrives , assaults begins obtains initiative completely .

  15. 中国在乒乓球项目上的绝对优势意味着也有可能会席卷全金(乒乓名将王皓当然希望在雅典的银牌基础上有所提高)。

    China 's domination of table tennis means a clean gold sweep is possible there too ( and men 's star Wang Hao will certainly want to improve on the silver he gained in Athens ) .

  16. 以中国乒乓男队马琳、王皓为研究对象,运用文献、访谈、比较、数理统计等方法,分析了直拍快攻打法在技术、体能、心理、战略战术方面的优势;

    The article analyzes penhold fast attack method in table tennis by means of documentary , interview , comparison and statistics and with Ma Lin and Wang Hao as research objects in men table tennis team of China .

  17. 现年36岁、上大学时玩过乐队的杭州人王皓说,他希望虾米既能帮助那些刚起步的歌手,也能帮助那些有成就的音乐人做一些炫酷和原创的事情。

    Mr. Wang , a 36-year-old Hangzhou native who himself played in a band during college , said he hopes Xiami can boost singers just starting out as well as help established musicians do something cool and innovative .

  18. 王皓上手后连攻胜负局使用率高,多拍能力强;上手直接得失分使用率和效果较好,需注意上手线路的战术变化,以防自己上手反成被动。

    Medalist wang hao began after even a attack bureau utilization rate is high , make ability ; To direct runs utilization and the effect is good , need to pay attention to the line tactical changes , to protect yourself against get into a passive position .