
  • 网络Wang Haibin;Kings Beach;Ben Wang
  1. 我叫王海滨,成都人。

    Hi , my name is Wang Haibing , come from Chengdu .

  2. 三人中年纪最轻的王海滨已经贵为中国击剑队男花主教练,在事业上如鱼得水。

    Three of the youngest Wang Haibin of China has high fencing team coach men spend in the cause of home .

  3. 击剑运动员王海滨备战大赛训练安排研究以世界大赛前8名作为成材标准,我国田径项目后备人才的成材率仅为3.44‰;

    Research on Training Arrangement of WANG Hai-bin before Major Competition Regarding the top 8 in world major competition as a standard for talent athletes , the ration is 3.44 % comparing with this standard .

  4. 对击剑运动员王海滨2000&2004年间备战4次大赛训练过程中训练方法与手段的选用进行研究。

    This paper made research on training process and method of Fencer WANG Hai-bin in preparing major competition between 2000 & 2004.The result showed that physical training was closely related to the character of fencing character .