
  1. 王晓初表示,这种下降对于推动3G牌照发放是一个积极的信号,因为监管机构能看到(其公司所处的)形势。

    This decline is a positive signal for bringing forward 3G licensing because the regulating authorities can see the situation [ we are in ] , Mr Wang said .

  2. 几个月前,中国电信董事长王晓初表示,该公司正在就引入iPhone手机一事与苹果公司进行磋商,而现在看来形势正越来越明朗化。

    A few months ago China Telecom Chairman Wang Xiaochu signaled that his company was getting in touch with Apple to launch the iPhone , and that scenario appears to be getting closer .

  3. 王晓初表示:我们并不急于找合作伙伴。

    There is no rush for us to find a partner .

  4. 据一名前任电信官员透露,这个联盟是王晓初推动的。

    According to one former telecom official , the alliance was directed by Mr Wang .

  5. 王晓初表示,他预计这一比例将在两年内达到50%。

    Mr Wang said he expected that proportion to increase to a half within two years .

  6. 王晓初说:谁都不想看到我们陷入无休止的谈判。

    No one would want to see us locked in an endless discussion , Mr Wang said .

  7. 王晓初表示,新的移动业务将在2012年开始为公司创造利润。

    Mr Wang said the new mobile business would start contributing to the bottom line in 2012 .

  8. 王晓初表示:我们不会依靠政府帮助我们发展移动业务。

    We are not going to rely on the government to help us to develop our mobile business .

  9. 中国电信董事长兼首席执行官王晓初周三表示,日益加剧的市场竞争预计将带来一个争夺现有客户的时代。

    Chairman and chief executive Wang Xiaochu said on Wednesday he expects intensifying market competition to gradually lead to an era of competition for existing customers :

  10. 王晓初在谈及改革时间表时表示:“但我们还没从监管部门得到任何具体信息或通知”。

    " But we have yet to receive any concrete information or notice from the regulatory authorities " about the timetable of the reforms , Mr Wang said .

  11. 王晓初总经理提出中国电信要成为世界级综合信息服务提供商,中国电信要转型,深圳电信作为一个创新试点,在此做出了很多探索。

    Mr Wang General Manager points out that China Telecom must become a " world-class integrated information service provider " . Shenzhen Telecom as an innovative pilot , made a lot of exploration in transition .