
  • 网络Wang
  1. 某王姓同学是大一新生。

    Wang Zhuonan is a freshman at college .

  2. 韦伯同时发现,在1996至2008年期间,张姓、王姓和杨姓成为增幅最大的几个姓氏。

    Webber also found that between 1996 and 2008 , the names Zhang , Wang , and Yang experienced the fastest growth .

  3. 所以藉著王姓女孩生cancer这个机会,我们大家诚心诚意念地藏王菩萨。

    Let 's take helping Miss Wang as an opportunity to recite Earth Store Bodhisattva 's name earnestly and sincerely .

  4. 据称,这只大熊猫于去年12月在云南省被两名王姓兄弟杀害。

    The panda was reportedly killed in December by two brothers , surnamed Wang , in Yunnan Province .

  5. 当时苗松涛和这名王姓男子交往了数月,去年10月份王家举办了一场婚礼,并安排了一场昂贵的仪式和盛大的宴席。

    Miao dated a man surnamed Wang for several months until Wang 's family arranged a wedding in October last year involving a costly ceremony and grand feast .

  6. 相传,古时候承德一带是一片大海,岸边住着一家王姓兄弟俩,打鱼为生。

    According to legend , in ancient times the Chengde area is an ocean , the shore is home to a named Wang brothers , fishing for their livelihood .

  7. 一位王姓官员称:我们从去年就开始调查此案,到目前为止还没有结束。

    " We started to investigate the case last year , and the investigation is not over yet ," an official , who only gave his surname as Wang , said .

  8. 一位在江西省省会南昌的王姓居民,假期前两天知道许多高速公路交通堵塞后,他取消了长途旅行的计划。

    A resident surnamed Wang in Nanchang , capital of Jiangxi , canceled long-distance travel plans after learning of heavy traffic on many highways during the first two days of the holidays .