
  • 网络a taco
  1. 我办公室外面有个墨西哥玉米卷餐车。

    There'a taco truck parked outside my office .

  2. 那是最好吃的玉米卷吗?

    Was it the best taco ? Meh .

  3. 这是不是说,我们可以每天吃五六餐汉堡王(BurgerKing)或者TacoBell(一种墨西哥玉米卷,跟KFC一样是连锁店)?

    Does this , then , mean that it 's okay to eat Burger King or Taco Bell five or six times per day ?

  4. 在T5和T7,洛杉矶非常出名的洛特里亚烤肉店(LoteriaGrill)供应煎玉米卷、辣椒肉馅玉米卷饼和面卷饼。

    In Terminals 5 and 7 , Loteria Grill , which is also popular around town , serves tacos , enchiladas and burritos .

  5. 当地著名大厨斯特凡·派尔斯(StephanPyles)开设的SkyCanyon餐馆供应得克萨斯州美食,比如Freeto-Chile派、烤胸肉三明治或煎玉米卷,也供应一些国际美食,比如酸橘汁腌鱼条。

    Sky Canyon from the celebrated local chef Stephan Pyles does Texas cuisine including Freeto-Chile Pie , barbecued brisket in sandwiches or tacos , and some international options including a ceviche bar .

  6. 如今,人们还可以在那里找到德国建筑物,演奏巴伐利亚传统音乐欧帕帕的乐队,德国服装,以及德式皮短裤,甚至在典型的墨西哥食物Taco玉米卷中,当地人都塞满了德国人喜欢的香肠和泡菜。

    You 'll still find German architecture , oom-pah bands , German dresses and lederhosen - even Mexican-style tacos stuffed with sausage and sauerkraut .

  7. 她的摊位就在德莉希亚大街(CalleDelicias)附近,下一个摊位卖的是卡尼特斯玉米卷,有几个大陶罐。

    Her stand sits near Calle Delicias , just before the carnitas stand with the big clay pots .

  8. 沃思堡的Cousin’sBar-B-Q餐馆在B和D航站楼开有分店。UrbanTaco供应多种墨西哥食物,比如煎玉米卷、玉米粉圆饼和生菜卷,还有米饭和沙拉。

    Cousin 's Bar-B-Q from Fort Worth is in B and D. From the many Mexican selections , Urban Taco offers a variety of tacos on corn or flour tortillas or a lettuce wrap , plus rice bowls and salads .

  9. 那是啥跟玉米卷差不多吗

    What is that -- like , uh , tacos ?

  10. 现在我有理由去吃你的炸虾玉米卷了。

    Now I got an excuse to come by for your shrimp tacos .

  11. 墨西哥玉米卷3美元一个,只收现金。

    Tacos are $ 3 ; cash only .

  12. 现在把我变成玉米卷售卖车!

    Now make me a taco truck !

  13. 煎玉米卷很美味,但吃起来容易把手弄脏。

    Tacos are delicious , but messy .

  14. 我喜欢鱼玉米卷。

    I love fish tacos !

  15. 美国各地有少数墨西哥餐厅供应烤蚂蚱玉米卷和鳄梨酱配烤蚂蚱。

    A smattering of Mexican restaurants across the country serve roasted grasshoppers in tacos or with guacamole .

  16. 我们去买点便利店玉米卷,配着蓝覆盆子酒,大快朵颐一番吧

    Let 's go get some convenience store taquitos and wash ' em down with blue raspberry wine coolers .

  17. 整个片场的所有东西都很棒像那边有个喝咖啡的地方还有个玉米卷店就像在小区里一样

    everything about this lot is amazing , like there 's a coffee place a taco place , like we 're neighbors now

  18. 布什夫妇的食谱通常是炸鸡排、土豆泥和玉米卷,午餐是西红柿汤和三明治。

    The Bushes were served chicken-fried steak , mashed potatoes , soft tacos and , for lunch , tomato soup and sandwiches .

  19. 我要炸鱼玉米卷,上次来就是吃的这个,除此之外我不知道别的。

    I 'll have the fish tacos Coz it 's what I had it last time I was here . It 's all I know .

  20. 这也增加了如下这种情况发生的可能性:在墨西哥,你可能嚼着玉米卷,却全然不知道里面竟然包着该死的蚂蚁卵。

    This hugely increases the chances that , while in Mexico , you could eat them without realizing you are eating a taco full of fucking ant eggs .

  21. 她参加我所有的运动比赛,给我一大堆的礼物,支持我的所有决定,也作了数不尽的墨西哥煎玉米卷给我吃。

    She went to all my sports games , gave me a ton of gifts , supported all my decisions , and has made me plenty of good tacos .

  22. 好的,我们要六个玉米豆卷。

    All right , we 'll take six tacos .

  23. 用墨西哥玉米饼卷上四季豆再搭配激辣的沙沙酱即可。

    Corn tortillas packed with kidney beans and served with a sensational salsa sauce .

  24. 如果在家就餐,夏天他们会做烤鱼,并用野生稻米做饭,还会做鱼肉玉米饼卷,配以鳄梨色拉。

    At home , they cook grilled fish with wild rice and fish tacos with fresh guacamole in the summer .

  25. 多年来,这种餐车(通常都是些破旧不堪的车辆)到建筑工地上兜售一般的廉价食物,主要是玉米面豆卷(tacos)和汉堡。

    For many years the trucks offered cheap basic fare , mainly tacos and burgers from often shabby vehicles , at places such as building sites .

  26. 例如避免批量购买50加仑的热玉米面包馅卷。

    Avoid , for instance , the 50-gallon drum of Hot Tamales .

  27. 玉米苗期叶片卷曲度配合力分析

    Analysis of Combining Ability of the Leaf Roll Degree in Seedling Period of Maize

  28. 两天后,我还在汽车排气口掏令人反胃的玉米面豆卷

    Two days later , I am still digging regurgitated tacos out of the car vents

  29. 答案可能会是日餐、印度或马来菜肴,但意大利通心粉、比萨、炸玉米饼或墨西哥卷往往不在其中。

    There might be Japanese dishes , Indian or Malay . But spaghetti , pizza , tacos or burritos are not usually there .

  30. 同样,玉米饼以及玉米面豆卷发源于墨西哥。

    Burritos and tacos similarly have their origins in Mexico .