
  1. 结果表明,较低的温度是大猿叶虫二次滞育和非滞育成虫产卵后滞育的诱导因子。

    The results showed that temperature was the major inducing factor in the second diapause and diapause induction of non-diapause adults after a period of egg-laying .

  2. 大猿叶虫是短日照型昆虫,但它的光周期反应主要取决于温度,当日平均温度≤20℃时,不论光周期条件如何,所有个体进入滞育。

    The cabbage beetle is a short-day species , but its photoperiodic response highly depended on temperature . All adults entered diapause regardless of photoperiods if the mean temperature was ≤ 20 ℃;